Tuesday, October 22, 2024 | ISSN 0719-241X
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July 04, 2021 What will the cruise industry look like post pandemic? IAPH World Ports Conference 2021 analysis on passenger shipping

Tourism has been hit hard by COVID-19. Air travel, hotels & restaurants, resorts, and, of course, cruise ships. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the cruise industry has suffered the cancellation of operations, major debt, and even bankruptcies, selling and even scrapping their vessels while some 30+ ships are awaiting their fates either to enter service for the first time or go under operations with another company… all the while people -tourists- are not planning to return to vacationing on board despite global vaccination efforts. It may be the appearance of new variants of the virus, or simply just the remaining threat of the run-of-the-mill COVID-19, but the truth is that navigating the ocean onboard a cruise has gone from a floating paradise to being perceived as a scene from a zombie movie. So, the question remains for passengers, is it safe to board a cruise?

To learn more about what the cruise industry is facing and its plans for recovery in a world where COVID-19 has become part of the foreseeable future, the International Association of Ports and Harbors’ IAPH World Ports Conference 2021 dedicated the panel “A new dawn for cruise shipping,” moderated by Luis de Carvalho, CEO Bermello Ajamil & Partners -Europe, Kelly Craighead, President & CEO Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) and Santiago García-Milá, Port of Barcelona and President of the IAPH. “There’s always an opportunity to move from a challenge,” said de Carvalho in his opening presentation.

Step by step recovery

By November- December 2020 there were some cruise lines operating in the Canaries, Italy, Singapore, and Taiwan and those have maintained their operations somewhat unaltered until April 2021. “Things have started to boost gradually in May, we saw the opening of Greece; in June we see UK, Spain, Iceland, Alaska, and a few islands in the Caribbean. By July there will be more cruise lines announcing the restart of operations and more regions,” said the moderator, who emphasizes the importance of sanitary and health regulations for restarting tourism operations for this sector. “We are moving, we are progressing, we are working […] and it is important to understand the protocols and how cruises are preparing themselves,” says the CEO Bermello Ajamil & Partners -Europe, who adds that the order book was not canceled, but rather postponed for ‘after’ the pandemic… whenever that may be, but also as a sign that the industry has plans to grow after the health emergency is overcome.

Operational changes

Cruises have been back on track for some months but under a new reality. Onboard there are protocols, such as higher use of technology to limit contact for check-in, touchless keycards, apps for navigation, booking, Q&A, of course, there’s the use of face coverings and social distancing -which limits the number of passengers on board-, and food serving system. On the terminal, there are also a series of measures prior to boarding, such as proof of vaccination, testing, fixed boarding times, and disinfection of luggage and there are even ‘sanitary bubbles’ for shore excursions. With these measures, cruising is one of the safest modes of travel, where tourists are already considering booking their next trip.

Ports & cruises

For Kelly Craighead, CLIA President & CEO, it is the relationship between cruise lines and ports that makes the difference when planning a comeback for this tourism branch. “In the early months of the pandemic when we had to deal with the repatriation of crew members and passengers the relationship with ports was the most important to help them get home. One of the lessons learned is to continue to build the relationships between the cruise lines, ports, and authorities of all types and on all levels.” As a port executive from Port of Barcelona, Santiago García-Milá also coincides with Craighead on the importance of agreement and communication between authorities -from local to international- from transport, tourism, health, and others. “We [the ports] were working closely with other ports and countries at the beginning of the pandemic to repatriate people and dealing with different protocols in the different countries. Once that was settled, we had an entire industry completely stopped for almost a whole year. During that time, we all did our part in developing protocols so that all businesses that go on in the ports -containers, cargo, cruises- could return to normalcy with sanitary safety.” “Our port is one of the most diversified ports because ports are more than just for cargo, they are business centers, environmental centers, and even for tourism because the port is for the citizens. We must start measuring passengers as part of the value of the port business. To have zero activity of this business actually hurts the port, but we don’t know how much,” adds the IAPH President.

Cruises are part of the port business and the lack of cruise activity for the better part of an entire year came to confirm the importance of the cruise industry for ports more so than for the tourism industry. “The real opportunity going forward is to recognize cruise as an important part of maritime, tourism and, local economy,” says Craighead.

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