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March 28, 2023 Regulatory framework & compliance of marine elevators: what you must know LUTZ Elevators expert details how the equipment is certified

All regulatory aspects of vessels in the commercial maritime field are covered either through the regulations governed by the International Maritime Organization IMO, such as the SOLAS convention, for safety of life at sea or MARPOL to prevent pollution of the seas from ships. Additionally and complementarily, there are classification societies (DNV, ABS, Lloyd's Register, RINA, ClassNK, among others) which historically accredit the rules concerning hull (i.e. the structure) and machinery of vessels according to the well-known certificate of class. But what about those aspects that are not explicitly addressed in the IMO international regulations, such as marine elevators? To answer this question, we talked to LUTZ Elevators, a German elevator company, who shared exclusively with MundoMaritimo insights about the challenges in terms of, regulation, inspection, and certification  .   

"Elevators are neither hull nor machinery, so they are not covered by the concept of "class" that classification societies regulate. Nor is there an explicit and specific mention in SOLAS for elevators regarding ensuring safety in their use and operation," says David Jaramillo, commercial director in the service area for maritime elevators at the Hamburg-based company. There is certainly a general formulation for all equipment and components installed on vessels subject to the SOLAS convention, However, there is no specific regulation for elevators in that convention. Nevertheless, "something is going on at the IMO's Maritime Safety Committee in its subcommittee for ship systems and equipment (SSE) to establish a regulation," adds Jaramillo, who explains that it is the flag States that, in addition to the general SOLAS requirements, who specifically determine their own requirements for maritime elevators.

It is worth to mention, that in contrast to  regulations there are indeed specific international standards for elevators on ships (ISO 8383 "Lifts on Ships") and for elevators in general (EN 81-20 "Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts"), which are used in the maritime field. These standards are referenced in the rules, guides and codes of inspection and certification of elevators on ships, that are published and applied by the classification societies in absence of a relevant set of rules from the IMO, e.g. in SOLAS.   

Flag requirements prevail 

The Flag State, (commonly known as ‘the flag’) is the entity of a country in charge of ensuring compliance with all international regulations for ships registered under its flag. But how does the Flag State act? "Due to the low coverage capacity and global infrastructure of Flag States, they authorize and delegate these statutory tasks to so-called "recognized organizations", which are usually the classification societies already mentioned above. Hence the link but also the confusion between what is "class" and what is "flag". The surveyor of the classification society comes on board to fulfill both roles" the marine elevator specialist explains in depth.

The first step in the regulatory certification of shipboard elevators is to clarify who is responsible for their operation. In any case, the responsibility always lies with the operator, i.e. the shipping company, the shipowner or the charterer, depending on the case. "The Flag States are the ones who formally ensure compliance with international standards and this is done through the classification societies, which in turn act on behalf of the flag. Thus, the classification societies, when inspecting the ship, although they are governed by international regulations and according to their own class rules, perform a dual function by applying the regulations of the Flag State when certifying the elevators. It is worth mentioning that there are Flag States that have specific regulations for elevators, such as Denmark, Marshall Islands, Hong Kong, and Bahamas. That is why  the class codes/guidelines/procedures for elevators always refer to this fundamental aspect. In case of conflicts or doubts the specific requirements of the flag, if any, always prevail," details the executive of LUTZ Elevators.


There are other uses of marine elevators besides onboard. These are those installed on offshore platforms. As static units they are in countries' exclusive economic zones, so despite being offshore, they are governed by onshore elevator regulations. "The same rules and regulations for the use, maintenance and safe working of land-based elevators of the respective nation and jurisdiction generally apply to offshore elevators on platforms that are located offshore - such as offshore drilling rigs. The exception here are the mobile drilling units (MODU) which, due to their characteristics, are considered vessels and are subject to IMO regulations," clarifies Jaramillo.  

The truth is that there is no international regulator that pronounces itself on the matter, both for uses on board and for cases of offshore installations. In this context LUTZ Elevators provides comprehensive assistance for ship operators to help them clarify the doubts about how to certify an elevator and what are the specific regulations of the flag. "In our role as a manufacturer, we accompany the surveyors as part of our lifecycle management service of the equipment, to ensure that the relevant operation and service requirements are met," adds the marine elevator specialist executive.

By MundoMaritimo

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