Wednesday, January 22, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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February 12, 2007 OceanSchedules providing Online Search Tool for All Shippers, Forwarders and Carriers

INTTRA, the leading e-commerce platform for ocean shipping, today introduced, a free online search service for shippers and forwarders to quickly and easily search global ocean carrier sailing schedules.

The new site is available at, as well as via the homepage, and from within INTTRA’s online transaction site - INTTRA-Act.

“We know that for most multi-carrier shippers and forwarders, searching for comprehensive schedules data mean visiting and downloading data from a number of different sources.  We want to raise the bar by bringing all the voyage data together in one place and combine it with the most advanced technology to provide a global, comprehensive and interactive schedules resource,” said Harry Sangree, Managing Director, offers free hosting of any carrier schedules via an EDI connection.  The site currently hosts 4.4 million voyage records, representing the INTTRA carrier network, participating carriers and their Alliances. These three groups represent over 80 percent of the slot capacity of the world’s top 25 carriers according to data for 2007 from AXSMarine.  Besides the voyage search, the site also provides free carrier branding and link for users to request additional information on a voyage.  According to INTTRA officials, the result is more choices and more scheduling results for users than current offerings in the market, or than can be obtained by visiting individual carrier sites.

“Doing it ‘my way,’ as Frank Sinatra used to sing, has been common practice in the ocean trade, which only amounted to many duplicated efforts that didn’t always provide users a comprehensive global solution to their scheduling needs,” said Sangree. “ streamlines the process of searching for a voyage that includes researching alternative routes, selecting a carrier and sailing, and making a booking.”

Moreover, Sangree notes that all data is provided by direct electronic links from carrier systems, making the data the most current and accurate available to any Web-based platform.  And he points out that the tool contains many filtering options that help users quickly and accurately sort their selection.  Users can filter data by the day of the week, transit time and carrier to quickly and easily access relevant voyage information.  And with free registration, users can set preferences for even faster filtering.

Using advanced technology, the tool presents results in an interactive format with related information presented alongside each matching result.  These include the vessel name, voyage and Lloyds number, carrier contact-request button and link to the carrier site.  In addition, any user with an INTTRA login can make an electronic booking on a selected voyage for any of their carriers that support online bookings via the INTTRA platform.

“Today’s launch of is a natural next step in the evolution of developing an industry platform for all carriers, where any shipper and forwarder can integrate powerful search tools and data with their booking process to any carrier.  We know customers want the convenience of having one process to get information and make transactions. takes us closer to meeting this demand,” said Ken Bloom, INTTRA’s Chief Executive Officer. features include:

  • Comprehensive Data - Obtained through INTTRA’s integrated electronic links with carrier members and participating carriers, the website represents more than 80 percent of the global ocean capacity among the world’s top 25 ocean carriers.  (Source: AXSMarine, January 2007)
  • World-Class Advanced Search Interface - uses innovative AJAX technology (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) to provide fast interactive search.  Instead of a web browser reloading an entire web page every time a user makes a search or after applying a filter, AJAX allows only those schedules that need updating to be reloaded.  This change makes a dramatic difference to the search experience. (Recommended Internet Browsers Microsoft® Internet Explorer 6.0 or above or Mozilla Firefox® 1.5 or above)
  • Search Results Page - Using innovative Schedules Manager tool, users can filter their voyage search by carrier, transit time, day of the week, arrival and departure date and port selection when multiple adjacent ports are available and see results all in one place.
  • Search-Based Sponsored Listings and Advertising - The new site offers the latest in advertisement targeting for advertisers interested in reaching a highly targeted audience of freight buyers and influencers.


INTTRA, founded in 2000 and headquartered in Parsippany, N.J., is a leading global provider of e-commerce solutions to ocean carriers and their customers.  INTTRA professionals work with customers to streamline and standardize their shipping processes, applying their e-commerce knowledge of the shipping industry for customers in markets worldwide.

INTTRA’s e-commerce platform offers a comprehensive range of e-commerce tools, including: Tender,, Booking, Shipping Instructions, Bill of Lading, Track & Trace, and Reports.  Accessing the INTTRA platform is simple, using any combination of their channel solutions: INTTRA-Link (EDI-based, system-to-system connection), INTTRA-Desktop (off-line PC application), or INTTRA-Act (web-based application).

INTTRA's carrier network includes, Aliança, ANL, CMA CGM, CSAV, CSAV NORASIA, Deutsche Afrika-Linien, FANZL, Hamburg Süd, Hapag-Lloyd, "K" Line, Libra, Maersk Line, MCC Transport Pte Ltd., MISC, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A., NYK Line, Safmarine, Senator Lines and United Arab Shipping Company.  The INTTRA carrier network represents over 61 percent of the container capacity among the world’s top ocean carriers.

About is based in Parsippany, N.J. and is a division of INTTRA, the leading multi-carrier e-commerce platform for ocean shipping.  The website is open to all shippers and forwarders and offers schedule hosting to all carriers. Using advanced Web-based technology, delivers global, comprehensive carrier schedules with an interactive interface that enables shippers and forwarders to more quickly and easily search global voyage data.  The site also provides advertisers with the opportunity to target transportation planners and freight buyers of ocean shipping based on their search interests.

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