Friday, March 14, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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November 21, 2022 Zero Emission Terminal Roadmap: the path to climate neutrality HPC Hamburg Port Consulting GmbH tells the success story of green transition at CTA Hamburg

Achieving sustainability is a process. It takes planning and a true commitment in time to not just reach the goal but to maintain a sustainable status throughout. That’s precisely what Container Terminal Altenwerder (CTA) in Hamburg, Germany, set out to do in the early 2000s when it began operations. With the permanent advisory and in-house presence of German-based firm Hamburg Port Consulting GmbH, CTA underwent a thorough planning, design, and implementation process that started in 2008 until 2019, when the terminal was certified by Hannover-based certification company TÜV Nord as the world's first climate-neutral terminal – no small feat considering CTA is one of four container terminals in Hamburg, with a combined handling volume of 8.7 million TEU in 2021, has an area of 100 ha, 1400m quay wall, 4 berths, and holds equipment of 14 STS cranes, 91 AGVs, 26 ASC blocks, 4 rail cranes and 9 rail tracks of 720m.

MundoMaritimo talked in an exclusive interview with HPC to learn more about the extensive teamwork involved in achieving –and maintaining — sustainability in the German port and how to replicate such an endeavour in other container terminals in the world.

Sustainability & green energies

Energy transition has drawn much attention in the last years due to increasing international policies that are pushing decarbonization in the supply chain. Therefore, sustainability has quickly climbed to the top of the list of priorities across the entire industry, and each actor must evaluate and assess which alternatives suit their business better for achieving carbon neutrality.

After already being the world’s first automated terminal, in 2008 CTA’s innovation and technological excellence, coupled with HPC’s expertise in terminal efficiency paved the way for developing what would later become the world’s first climate-neutral container terminal. The first step was green electricity for all container gantry cranes at the waterside, for the 52 fully electrified rail-mounted gantry cranes in the container yard and for the four rail cranes. Since then, the terminal has worked continuously to reduce the remaining emissions and become a pioneer in climate-neutral operation. To this end, the company sets itself ambitious targets to drive the development and track the progress.

The replacement of the AGVs (automated guided vehicle) for the horizontal transport between the waterside and the storage blocks from diesel-powered to lithium-ion batteries has contributed significantly to reducing the CO2 emissions since 2018 by almost 60%.

Other sustainable measures by the terminal operated by Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) included the installation of LED lights on the whole terminal area, the operation of electric tractor units and several process optimizations, such as a higher share of dual cycles to avoid empty trips. Additionally, the terminal puts emphasis to increasing the awareness among the workers with special trainings on how to save energy in daily operation or even the office workspaces. And to promote biodiversity within the port, even 10 bee colonies have moved in, so that today in the summer up to 500,000 bees are buzzing around between the containers.

The remaining emissions, caused by less than 10% of the AGVs still to be replaced, heating and power in the office and workshop buildings and the tractor units for the horizontal transport to the rails are planned to be saved by 2025. Until then, those emissions are offset with compensation certificates, supporting climate-friendly projects.

Following suit

As the example shows, the path to climate neutrality is no express road. “It is a challenging journey, that took the terminal some 20 years, one small measure at a time, all contributing towards one goal. However, to achieve the greatest effect, the measures must be consistent, build on one another, and complement each other. Not every measure has to be associated with a high investment or be introduced over a period of years, but for quick wins to have a lasting effect as well, the organization must be prepared for them. This requires good planning and a coordinated transition. Technological, processual, and behavioural measures need to be aligned so that the green revolution in the terminal is a success story that does not impair the productivity and ensures global competitiveness in the long-term,” says Dorothe Görtz, Terminal Planning Specialist at HPC.

“Any terminal can follow CTA’s example. Many terminals around the globe have started electrifying their operations with renewable energies, it is only a matter of assessing which alternative is best for each one and to move forward with investments that can add value to the sustainability effort. In South America, there are some initiatives linked to the Green Port Roadmap, assessed by HPC, already underway,” says Barbara Allendes, Deputy Manager of Business Development LAC at Hamburg Port Consulting, who highlights that adding sustainability and improving efficiency in port terminals does not have to be synonymous with high investments, as all actions and efforts are aimed at the same goal.

By MundoMaritimo

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