Friday, October 18, 2024 | ISSN 0719-241X
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July 26, 2024 WISTA Morning Sessions explored the challenges of diversity and inclusion in the maritime sector Camport Directors Patricia López, Grupo CAP, and Ricardo Klempau, MSC Group Chile and Bolivia, shared their experiences on this topic

On July 23, the second WISTA Morning Session of the year was held at the Hyatt Centric Hotel in Las Condes. This event was supported by MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company and MEDLOG Transport & Logistics. The session featured the talk "Inspirational Trajectories: Promoting Diversity in the Maritime Sector," with the participation of directors from the Chilean Maritime and Port Chamber (Camport): Patricia López, Infrastructure Manager at Grupo CAP, and Ricardo Klempau, Executive Chairman of MSC Group Chile and Bolivia. The event was moderated by Cecilia Mateluna, Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at MSC, and a member of WISTA Chile. Executives from MSC and Medlog also attended the meeting.

Camport President Daniel Fernández, who was present, spoke exclusively with MundoMaritimo about how women should be incorporated into the industry.

“I believe the main issue is cultural change. Without a change in how the role of women in modern society is understood, complete integration is difficult. This change is happening slowly, and there is a debate about whether it should occur naturally or be stimulated, for instance, through a quota law. I think it needs to be pushed a bit because many companies in Chile are reluctant to incorporate women into leadership roles,” he reflected.

Inspirational Trajectories

Patricia López, the second woman to serve as a full director of Camport in its 80-year history, began the discussion by highlighting the challenges and achievements of her career. With 25 years of experience, López has held various managerial and leadership positions, witnessing firsthand the advancements in diversity issues. Her career has been a blend of roles in the maritime and aviation worlds, reflecting her constant pursuit of new challenges.

On the other hand, Ricardo Klempau, with 45 years of experience, recently took on the role of Executive Chairman of MSC Group for Chile and Bolivia. Klempau recalled his beginnings at Ultramar and how the industry has evolved since then. He noted that 30 years ago, it was rare to see women in managerial or executive positions within the maritime industry, a scenario that fortunately has begun to change.

Challenges and Opportunities

Both panelists agreed that one of the greatest challenges in their careers has been balancing family and work life. López emphasized the importance of having strong support networks and spousal support to advance in one’s professional career. Klempau, on his part, stressed the need to understand and respect cultural and gender differences, a process crucial for the integration and growth of diverse teams.

"The key is to create and maintain strong support networks, both inside and outside the workplace. This, along with companies' commitment to promoting diversity, will open more opportunities for women in the maritime sector,” explained López.

A central point of the debate was the lack of women in leadership roles within the maritime industry. López mentioned that despite efforts, there is still a long way to go to achieve true gender equity. The industry, historically dominated by men, needs to actively promote women's careers, especially in technical and operational roles.

Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

The discussion also addressed concrete initiatives that companies can adopt to foster diversity and inclusion. López highlighted CAP's participation in programs like "Promociona," which empowers the careers of female executives. This initiative, she indicated, is key to broadening the minds and networks of the participants, thus fostering their professional development.

Klempau, on the other hand, expressed reservations about the quota law, arguing the importance of organizational leaders seriously committing to diversity and inclusion, not just because of legal requirements.

“Diversity is not just about meeting quotas, but about recognizing that women bring significant value to organizations. This improves the work environment and profitability,” he noted.

Both panelists also agreed that education and promotion are fundamental to changing the current paradigm. Ricardo Klempau suggested that more work needs to be done in promoting the maritime industry among young people, showing that there are attractive and challenging opportunities in this sector. Patricia López, for her part, proposed taking university and school students to learn about port and maritime operations to spark their interest.

The event concluded with a call to action for all attendees. López and Klempau emphasized that while important steps have been taken towards diversity and inclusion, there is still much to be done. The key is to dare, take on challenges, and believe in the value each individual can bring, regardless of gender.

WISTA Morning Sessions has become one of the most anticipated activities for our members, addressing current issues in our industry, enjoying good conversation, and fostering networking. WISTA Chile remains a regional reference, demonstrating that with the right commitment, it is possible to advance towards a more inclusive and diverse maritime industry.

By MundoMaritimo

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