Thursday, March 13, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
logo mundo marítimo
October 26, 2020 What is the real carbon footprint of the maritime industry? Shipping industry’s true impact and the actions to mitigate it

The IMO2020 norm on the 0.5% suplhur cap (previously 3.5%) is a step towards decarbonization of the shipping industry, but by far it should not be the only one. Countries should take matters into their hands and promote policies for regulation of carbon emissions in the transport industry, mitigate environmental impact and educate on the inevitable transformation that comes with climate change, but the truth is that the shipping industry is by far the least contaminating method of transport. Only 2.5% of total carbon emissions in the atmosphere come from maritime transport, the remaining 97.5% comes from other forms of transport, productive industries and natural phenomena that make up global warming.

However, no matter if as an industry we are responsible for a minor percentage of emissions, it is still our job to diminish them, because the comparative contribution may be less, but it is still harmful for the planet. That’s why we gathered a set of experts to determine the real carbon footprint of shipping and determine where we should focus our actions to reduce it. The fourth session of the “COVID-19 and the maritime industry” webinar cycle organized to celebrate MundoMaritimo’s 18-year anniversary, titled “Maritime industry: adaptation and mitigation for climate change,” allowed a lively discussion on the shipping industry’s true carbon footprint and what we can effectively do to decarbonize.

From theory to action

One ton of cargo transported per 1 kilometer creates a different amount of carbon emissions according to the various methods of transport: 3 grs of CO2 maritime; 22 grs CO2 train; 62 grs CO2 land and 602 grs CO2 air; therefore, shipping is the most efficient way of transport in terms of environmental sustainability, which is quite an advantage if we take into consideration that nearly 90% of world cargo is transported by sea. So, where to focus our efforts? On the route: the ocean. Monserrat Madariaga, Lawyer PUCV, researcher on climate change, LLM Environmental Law University College London and PhD (c) says that it is important to consider the recommendations of specialized organizations when determining the local NDC regulations for climate change. “The Kyoto Protocol left a legacy of extreme worry on mitigation, because that is the objective of international regulation and international accords, but NDCs are local and should focus more on adaptation to change that goes on in every territory,” the expert details.

The problem is that international protocols, multinational agreements, corporate policies and global regulations all point to mitigation actions from a theoretical viewpoint and focused on the long term, and almost none of them consider shorter term actions that look to create change in the way of working and interacting. A concrete example of a holistic approach to decarbonization of the supply chain is Maersk’s strategy. The Danish company began a transition process some 3 years ago looking to go from a ‘classic’ liner to become an integrated logistics operator and, along with that vision, they implemented a commitment to sustainability, that not only applies to the environmental sphere, but covers a broader, transversal spectrum: people, society, environment, stakeholders and the business. “It’s true that Maersk has been quite the pioneer in the actions that have led us to reduce emissions by 41% between 2008 and 2018, but the truth is we won’t manage a significant change by ourselves, we must work together as an industry, amongst competitors, clients, academia, regulators, etc.,” says Francisco Ulloa, Director West Coast South America Maersk, who adds that “we need for our clients to understand the importance of reducing the carbon footprint.”

Deep adaptation

The Paris Agreement and IMO2020 are regulations that point to mitigation and the NDCs are local norms from each country that must focus on adaptation to the reality in every area affected by climate change. But there’s also an adaptation that can be global and which is related to the change of paradigm dealing with the ‘wicked problem’ of global warming. Why wicked? Because climate change is not exclusive to the action of man and the burning of fossil fuels, there’s an important natural component as well. As Gordon Wilmsmeier, Kühne Professorial Chair in Logistics Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) and Hochschule Bremen, Germany, former member of ECLAC and member of PortEconomics, says “the problem is not in new ideas, it is in escaping the old ones that are rooted in the corners of our minds. We have to focus on transitional regimes and ways of living for the next years, give visibility to the data of the real impact of shipping emissions, because IMO2020’s goal -which looks to reduce emissions by 50% of 2008 by 2050- is ambitious, we can do more. The question is, are we prepared to invest in adaptation infrastructure when the current infrastructure is full of gaps?”

Organized by MundoMaritimo, with the support of Durán y Cía Abogados and sponsored by the Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Marítimo y el Centro de Estudios del Mar of the Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, the session was moderated by Claudio Barroilhet, Lawyer PUCV - LL.M. Shipping Law Tulane Law School together with Rafael Durán, Partner Durán y Cia.

By MundoMaritimo

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