There’s no doubt that coronavirus has put the break on growth all throughout the supply chain, where infrastructure & port technology investment are some of the most affected areas. With the aim to discuss what waits for terminal investments during and after the pandemic, a group of outstanding port executives who are experts in the field met in a virtual fashion to show where they are and share strategies on how each of them is facing the storm and the plans for a recovery in time.
“Port Expansion, Infrastructure & Investment” was the name of the panel, part of the third and last day of TOC Americas Virtual Expo conference, an event MundoMaritimo attended as Latin American partner. The session was moderated by Rommel Troetsch, Owner/President - Maritime Logistic Group, who led the speakers through an animated presentation of what each of them has learned throughout the months of the pandemic and the necessary changes that must be implemented in order to adapt to the future.
The growth must continue
For Jonathan Daniels, Chief Executive & Port Director - Port Everglades, the pandemic’s hit has not been easy to assimilate, especially since the recently approved 20-year growth and expansion plan that began this 2020, which includes a US6bn investment to fund improvements that will take place mostly during the first 5-10 years of the project. The investment considers 6 low profile super post-Panamax gantry cranes (ordered from China), sustainable berths, and docks, along with expansions, the construction of an international logistics center, and even a high-tech parking garage for cruise ship passengers.
From Geneva, Patricio Junior Director - Terminal Investments - Terminal Investment Limited TiL -the investment arm of MSC Group- shared how the drop in demand caused by COVID affected -and continues to affect- port all over the world, where Latin America marked a fall in port activity of -7.8%. However, for the terminals that Junior is in charge of, there’s actually been growing, particularly in Brazil -thanks to the export of commodities- and Panama due to intense transshipment movement. The executive, who is originally from Brazil, a country where TiL has 3 terminals, also referred to the port privatization process the government is implementing. “The government is ‘cleaning the house’ with all sorts of programs: cabotage, auctions, and the port privatization plan. Currently, port authorities are designated by politicians. With privatization, technical specialists to access executive port positions. For instance, the case of the Port of Santos where there is a port zone expansion plan and, also, will have privatization of the port authority,” said Junior, along with ending his presentation by highlighting that the most important elements to ensure post-COVID investments would be to keep free-market practices, less bureaucracy, political stability, and more digitalization.
The third presentation was by Griff Lynch, Executive Director - Georgia Ports Authority, the third-largest port operator in the United States, including a container port (Port of Savannah) and ro-ro facilities. “We closed our fiscal year with a loss of only -0.9% and we're looking at solid months from September onwards. The ports of Georgia are funded by our own capital. We have rail facilities in our terminals with connectivity with large extensions of land and a projected capacity to handle 1 million TEUs by train. We are also working on a new container terminal. Nearly 6% of our trade is with the Americas, with the import of fresh produce that caters to the large market of Atlanta, which is important considering that the Georgia Port Authority is the leading reefer operator in the country, with more than 3 thousand reefer plugs on the port,” said the executive after giving a complete tour of what the Georgia Port Authority is all about.
The session ended with the presentation by Paul McClintock, Senior Vice President - South Carolina Ports Authority. The executive highlighted that in the last decade the port has doubled its cargo volume, reaching 2.4 million TEUs in 2019. “The larger ships of today are only going to keep growing and that’s what drives investment, so you have to invest in infrastructure with all you’ve got,” he said. The Port of Charleston is the largest one and is part of the United States’ ‘top ten’ ports. “We have an investment project for US2.7 bn, of which US1.6 bn is capital of the North Carolina Port Authority and the remaining US1.1 bn are a combination of federal, state and private funding,” detailed McClintock, who added that phase 1 is scheduled to begin in March 2021. The panel closed with a virtual round of live Q&A.
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