Tuesday, October 22, 2024 | ISSN 0719-241X
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May 28, 2004 Valparaíso: At Vanguard of ISPS Certifications The first port of Latin America that receives the certification of ISPS Code

Empresa Portuaria Valparaiso, Terminal Pacifico Sur and the Dique Flotante Valparaiso III, were certified by the Direccion General del Territorio Marítimo y de Marina Mercante (Directemar) under international security standard, Code ISPS.

These three certifications experienced during the past week make Chile’s ports, harbor facilities and ships, be nowadays in an advance position in Latin America on certification themes.

The obtained certifications are framed in the new security standards, International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS), which standardizes the Security Plans demanded by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) after the terrorist attacks against the United States, in 2001. The Code happened to be an international regulation that looks to guard the physical protection of passenger’s ship, cargo vessels and harbor facilities.

In order to obtain the implementation of the ISPS Code, governments of each country had to adopt safety measures according to the different vulnerability levels for its ships and harbor facilities.  In the Chilean case, Directemar is in charge to give the certifications, after a long process and under strict revisions.

It is possible to emphasize that in the context of today’s market economy, the implementation of Code ISPS in Chilean vessels and ports must be seen as a clear business opportunity.

Empresa Portuaria de Valparaiso and Terminal Pacifico Sur: Their Certification

This last Tuesday in an official ceremony the Direccion General del Territorio Maritimo y Marina Mercante (Directemar) gave international Security certifications to Empresa Portuaria de Valparaiso (EPV) and Terminal Pacifico Sur (TPS), turning the port of Valparaiso in the first port of the country and Latin America that receives the certification of ISPS Code demanded by the OMI.


At the ceremony authorities emphasized new opportunities and challenges that come with the implementation of the code. At the moment, they also made recognition of joint work between EPV, TPS and the Naval Administration in order to materialize the certification.

It is possible to remember that these certifications give a greater facility so that Chilean loads that go through this terminal, enter diverse markets without problems, as it is the case of the American market.

On the other hand, representatives of Terminal Pacifico Sur affirmed that the obtaining of this new certification, adds to those previously achieved by the Terminal - ISO 14.001 and OHSAS 18.001- which nowadays allow, that the Port of Valparaiso is internationally known as reliable port.

DIQUE FLOTANTE  VALPARAISO III: First Dock certified in Latin America 


The past Wednesday, the Dique Flotante Valparaiso III, counted on the visit of representatives of Directemar, who audited the Security Plan implemented by the Dock. The main idea was to certify this harbor installation under the security standard ISPS, so it could   become the first harbor maintenance and ship repair installation that has this certification in Latin America.


The audit consisted of an initial meeting to inform the objectives and the scopes that were covered, soon to continue with a strict revision of the Floating dock’s Protection Plan.  Follow by an exhibition by the Harbor Installation Protection Officer, William Iturrieta. Continued with a land audit, that consisted on the approval of the Protection Plan in its different scopes. Finally, it was finished with a meeting, where the representatives of Directemar expressed to SOCIBER General Manager and those who participated in the certification process, the audit results, observations, weaknesses and strengths found during the audit.

During a tour by the Dock facilities, its Captain Guillermo Aranda Pinochet, commented to MundoMaritimo the importance of the achieved certification, "being certified we could repair any ship that may want enter the United States; since that vessel will be sure that they went throughout dependencies that counted on the ISPS Security standard”.

It is possible to emphasize that the Floating dock, Valparaiso III is the greatest of its type at national level.  Is a construction of steel, with a capacity of 10,000 tons, 167 meters of length; 26.10 meters of sleeve and 2 Fifteen tons capacity cranes.

In the process of the audit the Chilean merchant ship “Copihue” was beached to the interior of the Dock. The ship also must fulfill ISPS standard, reason why the Directemar ´s representatives got in contact with the Vessel Reception Officer; which informed to the Naval Administrations that the ship is in certification process and at the moment counts on an implemented Protection Plan.


Without doubt, the floating dock Valparaiso III certification is product of an effort to have and maintain the highest security standards by SOCIBER.  This is framed in the final phase of a long process, by public and private investments to bet for the modernization and insertion of our ports, ships and harbor facilities within the framework of the globalization.

By  MundoMaritimo

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