Before a large audience that included key players in national trade, the third edition of Global Trade Day, organized by the CSAV Foundation, was held. MundoMaritimo attended the event, which was graced by the presence of diplomatic, governmental, and trade union authorities, including the Belgian Ambassador to Chile, Christian Delannoy; Rear Admiral Pablo Cifuentes; Felipe Serrano Solar, Director General of Customs; and Sergio Pérez, President of the National Confederation of Cargo Transportation of Chile, among many others.
The opening remarks were delivered by Oscar Hasbún, President of the Foundation and General Manager of CSAV. He highlighted that while global trade has fostered economic development and cultural exchange, it now faces uncertainties due to challenges such as climate change, social tensions, and artificial intelligence, which represent both threats and opportunities for the global economic model.
"Enriching the dialogue, analyzing the current moment, and exploring how innovation and technology can drive the growth of companies that continue to strongly support the development of the country and global trade," explained Hasbún about the goals of the event.
A Different World
The event, titled “Navigating Uncertainty,” featured three internationally renowned speakers. The first was Kathleen Barclay, Director of the Chilean-North American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham), who shared her vision on global uncertainties. She highlighted geopolitical conflicts, the breakdown of the multilateral system, the urgency to address climate change, global demographic changes, the speed of technological transformations that push businesses to rethink their models, and the lack of leadership in addressing current challenges.
On this last point, she commented that in the absence of capable leadership to deal with these issues, "populist leaders play on people’s emotions." She also warned that "the peaceful world that existed post-World War II has ended, and it will not return for a long time."
To navigate this difficult current context, she suggested four key strategies: "embrace change, encourage horizontal structures, seek agility and constant innovation, and focus on knowledge and collaborative work."
The Future of the Logistics Industry
Stefan Paul, CEO of Kuehne + Nagel International, analyzed the current state of the logistics industry and the challenges and opportunities it faces. According to the CEO, the pandemic and the Suez Canal blockage have caused an extreme rise in shipping rates. One example was the increase in the cost of a 40-foot container from $2,500 to $50,000 following the "Ever Given" incident in the Suez Canal in 2021. On the other hand, he noted that the reliability of global maritime transport has drastically declined: before the pandemic, 75% of shipments arrived on time, while currently, only 46% do.
"The Suez Canal will not reopen in the first half of 2025, so the current situation will persist throughout next year. Disruption and uncertainty will continue," Paul emphasized.
For the industry, one of the challenges lies in efforts to reduce the carbon footprint, but Paul stressed that sustainable logistics is complex, as only 0.5% of the necessary sustainable fuels are currently available, leading to high costs. "The two big challenges of sustainability are the cost of green fuels and their availability in the market," he explained.
However, he assured that all of this is part of a constantly changing world where opportunities also emerge for other countries. Paul analyzed the reshuffling of supply chains toward countries like Vietnam, Thailand, and Mexico, driven by the "China Plus One" strategy.
In this context, he highlighted Chile for its stability and importance in international trade, noting that it is the main gateway for trade between Latin America and Asia, a global leader in the export of essential and perishable goods, and potentially, a leader in clean energy production and innovation.
The "Geek" Way
The third presentation was given by economist and innovation specialist Andrew McAfee, who introduced his concept of the "Geek Way" as a strategy for organizations to thrive in the digital age. It consists of the following pillars: constantly experimenting and learning; making decisions based on data, not opinions; automating repetitive tasks and delegating; collaborating and sharing knowledge; and always innovating. "Technology is very powerful and can do things that seem human, but it is still imperfect. Skilled people are still needed, and those people will be even more valuable," he remarked.
The event, held at the CA660 Cultural Center (formerly CorpArtes), concluded with a networking cocktail where attendees continued to share ideas and reflections on the future of the industry.
By MundoMaritimo
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