It’s been a month since the Ever Given got stuck -quite literally- in the middle of the Suez Canal. Hundreds of ships, big and small, connecting different parts of the world were stranded in the wait for Evergreen’s vessel to float again. A total of 55 vessels from the Maersk fleet were impacted by the blockage, and 13 were re-routed around Africa, while the rest waited to pass the Canal. “While we still expect the Suez Canal closure to impact schedules and port calls well into May, as vessels are brought back on their fixed schedules, our people are working continuously to mitigate the felt impact for our customers and to ensure reliability in our operations,” reads a customer advisory release issued by the Danish company.
However, despite the fact that most vessels stuck at the Suez Canal were on their way to European or US ports, the maritime transport industry is interconnected, and some way or another, effects of an event in one part of the world ripple across to shores all over the planet. The Latam effect? Well, fortunately “it’ll be short-lived and should be over by end-April,” says Lars Lars Oestergaard Nielsen, Head of Operations for the Americas Maersk, who talked in exclusive with MundoMaritimo about the blockage’s impact in Latin American ports and what it means for the Danish operator.
Cool problem
Latin America has similar import behavior on both the Atlantic and the Pacific, but very distinct export shipping needs on either coast. The west coast ports are mainly focused on exporting dry bulk (raw materials, mining ore), while the east coast is a heavy exporter of fresh food products, like soy and beef. “There are two effects for the Latin American ports. The most direct one is the lack of empty reefer containers for shipping out fresh cargo, especially from ECSA. The Middle East consumes a high volume of reefer cargo and then ships out those cold boxes empty. Many of those containers are delayed because of the blockage. That situation is being handled and should be resolved by the end of the month,” says the Americas leading executive for Maersk.
Going around it
The second side-effect from the blockage on Latam ports is the bunch-arrival of vessels at US and European ports. “Several ships arriving all at the same time at the same place will put pressure on the ports, and this will undoubtedly affect the calls at other ports on the ships’ routes,” adds Nielsen. Is re-routing an alternative? We asked. “It has been in the cards, but there are very few opportunities on the west coast. We have looked into moving to Mexico first and then to the US. But the challenge there is in the intermodal and border crossing,” says the Maersk executive, who adds that there is not enough terminal capacity for larger vessels at the current congested ports, so that is also not an option.
The congestion at US ports -especially LA/LB- is prior to the Suez Canal blockage and is related to “a combination of a shared labor pool which is diminished due to COVID-19 and an uptick of import volume into the US,” as the expert explains, adding that ease on the pressure should come by end-Q3 or early Q4, “the current situation will linger on for another 4-6 months.”
The ‘new normal’
“The new normal is still being determined, but we expect the situation to remain tight into the third quarter. Ports and infrastructures remain bottlenecks and because of this, ocean and inland delays are likely to continue in and out from high demand locations,” reads an outlook from Maersk from the customer advisory statement issued on April 20.
Fortunately, there are no other "side effects" from the Suez Canal blockage and Latin America is currently living the worst of it on its shores… much like a windy tide resulting from a hurricane far away.
By MundoMaritimo
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