Sunday, February 23, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
logo mundo marítimo
March 15, 2021 The importance of maritime conscience in coastal economies Conversation with ECLAC expert economist

Those who live with the sea as part of their natural landscape don’t seem no be completely aware of the importance of its presence. From the fresh seafood they refuse to eat, or the annoying sand that gets in their shoes, the sea breeze that rusts their bikes and the seagulls that soil the streets nearest to the boardwalk; it is a reality that for those who live with the sea in their lives there is no real conscience as to its transcendent relevance.

To learn more about where this lack of conscience and ‘maritime identity’ comes from, MundoMaritimo talked in exclusive with Ricardo Sánchez, Senior Economic Affairs Officer Infrastructure, Transport & Ports, Economic, Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC,) who shared his thoughts on what is lacking in societies to become more aware of the importance of the sea and put it first when it comes to political and economic agenda.

Reflections in times of pandemic

The importance of the sea and its resources can be summed up in a simple phrase: “no shipping = no shopping.” And this is something the pandemic has made painfully clear, where international trade (exports as much as imports) has been a ‘victim’ of a system that does not consider maritime transport of goods as a national priority. We’re talking food, medicine, basic household goods, technology, vehicles, industrial production supplies, raw materials, fuel, etc. The list of products that flow in and out of countries is long and defines the relevance of commercial relations, where virtually not one single economy in the entire world could claim to be ‘self-sufficient’ and without the need for commercial exchange with another in order to offer all the alternatives for consumption that their population needs. “When I was young, I once read something that stuck with me: that even if we were far from any situation that would merit it, the last source of food in the world would be the ocean and that nobody cared for it. That phrase struck a chord in me and motivated me to study economics and thus find the way to work towards giving the ocean the visibility it needs and the importance it has on humankind,” says Ricardo Sánchez.

It’s been the quarantine and lockdown for so long that has prompted us to this reflection. “All this time that we have spent at home with our jobs literally staring at us in the face that it has made us think ‘why do I do this’. In my case, I am an economist because I understand that, beyond the beautiful landscapes of the coasts of South America, the ocean is vital to our lives, not just because there are fishes and other resources there that can ultimately feed us, but because it is a channel of communication that links us to the rest of the world and without which we would not be able to subsist as well as we actually do,” adds the ECLAC economist. 

Maritime conscience

What we need is to integrate the sea into the national development strategies, and that is something that is necessary in all countries with maritime economies, not just the ones in Latin America, because this also happens in the United States, in European countries, etc. None of them identify as maritime. Even Panama, which is more sea than land, everywhere you look you can see the ocean, and people don’t see themselves as maritime, people are not aware of their maritime condition. The problem with this is that it has repercussions on what happens in ports and in transports: there’s always an agenda for buses, trains and airports… and ports are cast aside. There is no country where this doesn’t happen,” says Sánchez. 

So, as the economist says, “how are we supposed to have a development strategy if there’s no visibility of the importance of the sea, except for when there’s an explicit interest,” he reflects. “Those who are aware of the sea are the ones who work in something related to it, however that may be. I am an economist because of this. And I have always seen the same happening in all countries where the beach is synonymous with a good time with friends, nothing more,” he adds.

The truth of the matter is that there is little awareness of the importance of the sea among countries that have a great part of their commercial trade supported by maritime routes. “This is a problem because when there is no awareness on a cultural level there is no way for that to scale to leadership positions, therefore there is no political visibility of the importance of maritime-related issues and legislators turn their attention to other matters that take up their agenda, but which have nothing to do with the country’s economic benefit. Therefore, the sea is never in consideration.

As is the case with all awareness efforts, realizing the importance of the issue is the first step and education is the way forward. Reinforcing the concept of the ocean as a connection to the world and caring for it beyond ecologic efforts is crucial, but we also must teach younger generations to worry about the existence and care of the support infrastructure and the human resources that execute the work. It will take years, but eventually maritime transport and its economic impact will take the place where it rightfully belongs.

By MundoMaritimo

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