Thursday, March 13, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
logo mundo marítimo
December 07, 2021 Sustainability beyond shipping: core values at the heart Logistics operator teams up with NGO for the homeless in Latam

Sustainability is in fashion. Literally. At least that’s the case with Danish logistics giant Maersk, who teamed up with Dutch NGO Sheltersuit Foundation, led by designer Bas Timmer, in creating portable, durable, and wearable shelters for the homeless. MundoMaritimo talked in exclusive with the creative genius behind the Sheltersuit™ and Shelterbag™ and learned more about the initiative that captured Maersk’s own Robbert Van Trooijen, Senior Vice President, Head of Latin America and the Caribbean at A.P. Moller – Maersk, who took a personal interest and turned it into a company-wide commitment that is taking the next step to bringing the wearable shelters to Latin American countries.

So, what do high fashion and shipping have in common? More than the average fashion-consuming person knows. Not only do elegant-fitting clothes reach far markets thanks to the shipping industry, but there is a growing relationship between the sustainability in garment production that is demanding higher sustainability in the supply chain, which has translated into shipping companies and logistics operators looking for feasible alternatives for fossil fuels and reduce their GHG emissions. Fashion or not, Maersk is already taking the step into zero-carbon transport with the methanol-fueled ships the company has ordered for 2024.

From Netherlands to Latam

Timmer founded Sheltersuit in 2014 after his friends’ father died of hypothermia as a homeless in the Netherlands, Bas’ home country. However sad, this experience was the tipping point for him to act and design a real solution -however short term- for homeless people. His first design included reusing sleeping bags, sowing them together, and adding pockets and weather-proof padding to make it suitable for outdoor wear. “I’m Dutch, and Robbert is Dutch and he saw Sheltersuit in the local news and later contacted me personally,” says Timmer on the story of how Maersk and Sheltersuit have been in business together ever since.

It is part of our social responsibility to support an NGO like Sheltersuit, that has created a significant impact in other regions where thousands of people in need have benefited from this amazing project. Maersk and Sheltersuit started working together over the last decade,” says Maersk, a company that is helping Sheltersuit Foundation to now bring the weatherproof wearable bag to Latin America. The original Sheltersuit was manufactured thinking of cold European weather, especially for Sirian and Afghan refugees that arrive in Lesbos, Greece. “But in Latin American countries, the weather is much different, and the original Sheltersuit was not suitable for the warmer weather, strong winds, and heavy rains, so we modified the design and materials and created the Shelterbag,” says the designer who described the Shelterbag as essentially a duffel bag that can be worn over the back. “It has pockets and is completely waterproof. It rolls out like a mattress and has a cover over the head, including a flexible tent pole for individual shelter.

Sustainable supply chain

Maersk provides the complete supply chain in transporting and distributing the Sheltersuits and Shelterbags and is now adding 5 different countries in Latin America during the first half of 2022: Mexico, Honduras, Colombia, Ecuador, and Argentina, delivering close to 1,000 units for homeless people, including adult and children’s sizes, thanks to coordinated work with local organizations. “Sheltersuit Foundation is non-profit. The Sheltersuit and Shelterbag are made by women in Africa. So, we are using sustainable, recycled materials and giving jobs to women. The idea for Latin America is to eventually do the same, set up local production and create jobs in each of the countries where Sheltersuits and Shelterbags are needed,” explains Timmer, while Maersk adds that “bringing Sheltersuit to Latin America is a great milestone for us.

Aside from being sustainably sourced and manufactured, Sheltersuits and Shelterbags are sustainably transported and delivered. “It is important that Maersk contributes to our society using our End-to-End (E2E) capabilities and our global impact,” says the Danish logistics giant, which does all distribution and shipping from origin to destination.

Since its creation in 2014, Sheltersuit Foundation has donated more than 20 thousand Sheltersuits and Shelterbags to people in need in countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, UK, Italy, South Africa, and United States (Los Angeles and New York,) as well as a collaboration with high-fashion French maison Chloè for the Shelterbag backpack with proceeds from purchase going directly to the Foundation. “I envision that we have a brand where all profits go to the Foundation,” says Timmer.

By MundoMaritimo

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