Members of the cruise industry called on the authorities of Latin American governments to modify their cabotage and taxation laws to boost the industry’s development in the region.
The issue arose during the third version of the Seatrade Latin American Cruise Convention, carried out between May 14 and 15 in the Chilean port of Valparaíso. There, representatives of the most world-wide well-renowned cruise brands met with the main government authorities of Latin American countries that are looking to boost the development of cruise tourism in their ports.
From opening cabotage to the need for specialized infrastructure, lower taxes and fuel costs and better rates, the cruise line representatives discussed the need for changes, but also recognized the importance of the economic impact that the growing industry is having in the country.
Open cabotage
The four main obstacles for the development of the cruise industry in the Latin American region are cabotage laws, taxes, rates and the lack of specialized infrastructure.
“We are suggesting to government to consider modifying cabotage laws, due to the country’s specific geographic characteristics,” said Giora Israel, senior VP global ports & destinations development group, Carnival Corporation. However, Israel specified that “we are not lobbying to change cabotage laws, we simply are stating the need for a change in order for the cruise industry to develop in the country.”
The set back that cabotage laws represent for cruise operators is the time/port incompatibility. In order to comply with local legislation, routes must include ports outside the country; however, due to the large distances between Chilean ports and ports in other countries, cruise operators cannot design a 7-day route –which is the standard duration for a commercially feasible operation.
“The industrial maritime sector has opposed to the cabotage law in the form that it has been presented and we believe that there is a need to iron out some details, keeping in mind the interests of all parties and with the final objective of attracting international operators,” transport and telecommunications undersecretary Gloria Hutt mentioned.
Specialized infrastructure and high costs
Another one of the impediments for the development of the cruise industry in Latin America and, specially, Chile, is the lack of specialized infrastructure. “This is an industry, and as such it requires specialized infrastructure. An industry cannot be accommodated on an imperfect infrastructure. A large-scale development project must be consolidated on a solid basis of a services infrastructure,” the undersecretary said.
In the case of Chile, Hutt added that cruise infrastructure is one step behind general port infrastructure. “Only in the most recent port tenders we have explicitly included spaces for cruises,” Hutt said.
Other difficulties that cruise lines face when deciding to compete in Chile are the high operating costs: fuel (due to the large distances), rates, lighthouse and beacons and taxes.
Mike Ronan, VP government relations, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, highlighted that the high cost of operating in the Chilean coast has a direct impact on the cruise tourist and not the vessel. The tourist has to pay more in Chile for the same product just because of the high operating costs.
Economic impact on the rise
However, despite its precarious state of development in Chile, the cruise industry has an important economic impact on society. According to numbers delivered by the country’s economics ministry, a foreign cruise tourist leaves an average US$84 in the country after a visit. This amount is divided between food and beverages, shopping, transport before and after the cruise and tourist attractions, among others.
But not only the tourist calls for services of parallel industries in its passing through Chilean ports. The ships require assistance, from waste disposal to gathering supplies for the next voyage, a consumption exercise that delivers great economic activity for the country.
The tourism industry is the only one that even in times of crisis shows signs of growth. That is why it is highly important, according to members of the cruise industry, to maintain a broad offer of attractive destinations year-round.
By MundoMaritimo
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