Sunday, February 23, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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March 29, 2021 Porto do Açu and the key to a sustainable future for port operations Exclusive interview with Tessa Major, Director International Business & Innovation

The international port trend is high-tech and sustainability, and everyone’s on the bandwagon trying to get there. They’re adding automation, remote operations, reducing emissions, paperless, etc., all looking for long-term impact on the environment and their costs. Just 319 km north of Rio de Janeiro, Porto do Açu is Brazil’s third-largest iron ore terminal, is responsible for 25% of national oil exports -thanks to its offshore support base-, has the largest thermal power complex in Latin America and is the third-largest port in Brazil in terms of cargo volumes handled. Impressive, right? But what’s more impressive is that Porto do Açu does all this with sustainability. MundoMaritimo wanted to know more about how the port operates so successfully and talked in exclusive with Tessa Major, Director International Business & Innovation and Vice-President Central & South America Region within International Association of Ports and Harbors IAPH
As it turns out, the port’s development projects are all mostly related to providing sustainable and renewable energy to the operations and benefitting the communities surrounding the port grounds. “Porto do Açu has 90 km2 of terrain and there is still much space for growth of the existing operations and business lines as well as others,” says Major who began working at Port of Antwerp some 20 years ago and has been part of the Porto do Açu since 2014, year that the port began its operations. “The port has a number of hubs within the grounds, that allow for developments especially in the energy production sector, such as wind, solar, and less expensive production of fuel thanks to the offshore base. All these sustainable energy sources will allow us to manufacture fertilizers locally, leading to a more feasible agricultural activity. Currently, Brazil has to import fertilizers,” says the executive expert on investments and sustainability. 
Port of the future
Having the Port of Antwerp as a reference can result in a high standard to live up to. But Porto do Açu has the projects to get them there. Along with the energy mix initiatives, there are plans for expansion of the natural location, attract new industries and consolidate capacity for new services, such as container transport. “We managed to attract new businesses in 2020 by being creative, agile, and adaptable, and for 2021 we’re focused on growing and industrializing the port,” says Major. 
Another important initiative of the Porto do Açu is the Environmental Ship Index, which “identifies vessels with the best performance in terms of reducing atmospheric emissions, according to the International Maritime Organization IMO’s current emission standards.” The port’s ESI is the third in Latin America, meaning that the vessels that call on the port have low scores -on a scale from 0 to 100- on polluting gas emissions. “The ESI is an IAPH initiative part of the World Port Sustainability Program and as VP for Central and South America, I am very pleased to see that Porto do Açu complies on such a high level with the index, which is also in line with the port’s sustainability core values,” highlights Major. Ships that perform above environmental standards, including the levels of greenhouse gas emissions, now have access to different port tariffs, with discounts up to 10%. "The adoption of ESI by Açu reinforces our commitment to participate in the global effort to reduce emissions through an incentive for a key player in the maritime chain, the shipowners. It is a joint effort to promote the use of cleaner technologies", adds the Director of International Business at Port of Açu and Vice-President of IAPH in South and Central Americas.

Facing COVID
Porto do Açu is like an oasis in the desert with its successful strategy to face the virus in a country that has been hard hit by the spread of the disease. “We were committed to maintaining operations while keeping people safe. We created a crisis committee and designated aid for the surrounding community: we donated 100,000 personal protection elements, 8,000 face coverings, 3,000 tons of food. We also donated ventilators and medical equipment. The IAPH COVID Task Force provided guidance and has been helping track what’s going on, with best practices and constant updates”, says the development specialist. 

Porto do Açu, controlled by Prumo Logística, has a partnership with sister port Port of Antwerp, Belgium, because of the Brazilian port’s strategic location that places it near oil and gas fields, its proximity to Minas Gerais state, the gateway to Brazil and because it has so many different companies -7 independent firms and 6 subsidiaries of Prumo Logística- and such extensive grounds that allow for growth in all of the business areas already functioning and so many others. Other sister ports are Port of Houston and Port of Guangzhou.

By MundoMaritimo

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