Alexis Rodriguez, Environmental Protection Specialist Panama Canal, and representative for his country before the International Maritime Organization IMO, has broad knowledge on how negotiations develop inside said organism. During the most recent meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) he participated and was witness to the difficulties that had to be solved in this crucial event for the decarbonization of the maritime industry, within the fight against climate change. In conversation with MundoMaritimo he did not hesitate to point out that it was a “rather complicated meeting,” and which the pandemic made even more so having to have a virtual session that posed obstacles such as time zone differences and the lack of other useful encounters -such as coffee breaks and casual networking- that come with these sorts of events, and which usually help pave the way towards the necessary agreements.
He says these types of meetings have two sides: politics, which point to the challenge of climate change; and the technical, which is the way how the industry manages for implementing these changes; all of which can lag. Therefore, when giving his balance for the meeting -which in turn was criticized from various sectors, especially related to the poor advancement on specific decarbonization measures- Rodríguez states that it depends on the angle from where it is observed: “put simply: how do you switch to a fuel that doesn’t exist? How do you retrofit when the shipyards don’t have the technology?”, he asks rhetorically.
About the divergent positions from the less developed economies present, who propose a reduction of the velocity with which the changes are being imposed in the first world, Rodriguez highlighted that the adoption of the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) and the chronogram with the short-, medium- and long-term measures are the actions that concern the vessels. For the same reason, he remembers that on the MEPC 73 there was a voluntary resolution, in coordination with the International Ports and Harbors Association IAPH, that established guidelines for the actions for the latter sector to be in time with the ships. Considering this, he points out that the challenge of the ports and logistics infrastructure in the region is to see how they adapt to these measures, which he indicates, could come in another forum or maybe by voluntary measures, recommendations, and good practices. “I believe that as players we must promote good practices and know which are the technologies in question, how to adapt to them and which actions to develop,” part of what he qualifies as “a proactive vision” of taking on the issue unlike the opposite side which would entail more of a “criticism approach.”
As for the affirmations that qualify the 11% emissions reductions for the 2019-2030 period as insufficient, Rodriguez explains that in these matters there are always “compliance lagoons,” so adoption and adaption require time, as was the case with the application of IMO 2020: “we can put any commitment on paper, but when the time comes to implement, communicate, train, and lead the process forward, then it becomes complicated. In the Canal, for instance, it took us a whole year to implement IMO 2020.”
Regarding the opinions on regions such as Europe will begin to apply their own decarbonization standards, with the goal to speed up the global decarbonization process, even with the potential of going over the IMO in decarbonization leadership, Rodriguez says that ever since the Titanic accident and the beginning of the SOLAS Convention [Safety of Life at Seas,1914], there have always been regional decisions and “this has not caused that multilateral organisms stop working,” even though he likely says that “from my perspective, I believe that the global system is worth defending because it is integral.” He adds that “there is no doubt that some regions will adopt their own measures for technological causes, or due to financing pressures and this will be a reality. Europe, Asia, United States or even China all on its own will take measures into their own hands. When we talk of the ECA [Emissions Control Area], piracy or other technical issues it was the same," he says.
Rodríguez highlights that decarbonization is a long-term process because it depends on the available technology and for it to be economically feasible so that the final consumer doesn’t see any disruptions in the market, thus allowing the continuity of global economic development.
In this sense, the highlights that the Panama Canal has proposed that for reaching carbon neutrality by 2030, it is expected to achieve by measuring emissions (in place since 2013) reduction processes using electric vehicles, solar projects, and energy efficiency, as well as human training -which is the most important factor- so that people can knowhow to contribute to this process. This is also tied to digital transformation of the organization, which will help reduce emissions as well. As for the medium and long-term, the aim is to reach the transformation of the energy matrix and of the floating equipment in the waterway.
"The message that we want to send out as Panama Canal to the entire industry is that we can take leadership in good practices and with specific actions,” he finally states.
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