The Danish giant has been migrating from maritime transport services to becoming an integrated logistics operator. Diversification of the business portfolio has come hand in hand with this objective and now is coming into the home stretch of its transformation with the incorporation of a leadership position dedicated to Logistics & Services for the region, giving sturdiness to the area that promises to redefine Maersk forever. MundoMaritimo talked in exclusive with Ricardo Rocha, newly-added Head of Logistics and Services for Latin America and the Caribbean, who has been perfecting in the logistics industry for more than 20 years with special focus in the Latin American region.
Gradual strategy and the 4 pillars
Although Rocha recently became part of Maersk in January 2021, the Company and the executive have been preparing their encounter for years. “There has been a gradual strategy of the changes that are taking Maersk from a shipping line to an integrated logistics operator,” says Ricardo, in line with how his own professional career in logistics has developed in companies such as UPS, DHL, K+N and Seva Logistics. “We saw how in 2019 there was a ‘first wave’ of changes and in 2020 -and in the midst of the pandemic- the integration of DAMCO was achieved, along with 3PL services and the incorporation of technologies, and all this great legacy combined has turned into what is now Maersk Logistics & Services”, says the Brazilian-born executive.
The gradual change has been key not just in the transformation process, but also that it has been a fundamental strategy for penetration in the logistics market. “We are going in the right direction and one of the ways we have achieved this is by detecting the specific needs in each region and we have delivered solutions for these needs. For instance, in Europe it is very important for goods to flow rapidly through the countries, so we integrated with a customs operator to add value to our services for our European clients. The same happens in Latin America: we are not in ways of becoming an integrated logistics operator -we already are an integrated logistics operator. We have more than 300,000 square meters of warehousing for our clients throughout the region; in Mexico Maersk was recently awarded an air transport tender; and thanks to the DAMCO legacy we have managed to reorganize and operate toe to toe with worldwide renowned logistics companies,” reinforces the Brazilian.
The logistics transformation of the shipping line to integrated logistics & services operator is based on 4 pillars: (1) organic growth; (2) merger & acquisitions; (3) technology; and (4) talent & commitment. “Based on these four pillars we are focused on developing neutral solutions that allow us to offer services beyond maritime transport,” he highlights.
Integrated logistics and the ‘pandemic effect’
Aside from the obvious of the pandemic, such as infection rate and isolation measures to prevent the spread of the virus, the presence of COVID-19 has resulted in a booster of the digital transformation and the strengthening of Maersk’s logistics services. “What as an organization we thought we would achieve in a couple of years has had to be accelerated, especially in the digital part,” says the executive. “As a consequence of the preventive measures against COVID-19, clients are looking for more digitalization and it is our duty to deliver the solutions they are requiring,” he adds.
That is why Maersk has developed technological tools especially designed for the new business focus of the Danish giant, such as MaerskFlow, NeoNAV and Maersk Spot. The MaerskFlow tool was implemented in 4Q20 and already has more than 20 clients in the Latin American region, while NeoNAV -state of the art technology – uses data analysis to develop predictive models of the supply chain, delivering proactive visibility of the supply chain. “We work with AI and IoT to develop leading edge tools that provide real, practical solutions in record times, so that they can add value to the management of the supply chain at any time and from anywhere,” de points.
“What we need now is to grow and strengthen our services offer”, highlights Rocha, who adds that Maersk Latin America offers more than 10 logistics services, from warehousing, cold chain, air and 4PL, among others. Of course, the integrated logistics services includes all brands under the Maersk family, including SeaLand and Hamburg Süd.
By MundoMaritimo
3712 registered companies, 50 countries, 77 sponsored companies
Customs Agents
Shipping Agencies
Storage and Warehousing
Shipping Companies
Marine Consultants and Surveyors
Cargo Agents
Port Companies & Terminals
Nautical Equipment
Loading and Unloading Agencies
Engineering, Certifications, Surveyors
Other related Activities
Fishing Companies
Spare Parts
Puertos Terrestres, Zonas Extraportuarias
Air Transportation
Overland Transport
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