The meeting, bringing together the representatives of the 41 national shipowners’ associations that comprise ICS and ISF, discussed a range of regulatory issues, but devoted particular attention to the role of the European Union on international maritime affairs; IACS and the development of Common Structural Rules; and progress at the International Labour Organization (ILO) towards the adoption of a new Consolidated Maritime Labour Standards Convention.
The influence of Europe
ICS and ISF confirmed the global shipping industry’s strong support for the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the continuing and vital need for global regulation, and considered the threat to this presented by the growing influence of the European Union.
ICS Chairman/ISF President, Rolf Westfal-Larsen, explained
“In one sense, the European Union can be seen as a positive force for maritime safety and pollution prevention, giving urgency to the implementation and enforcement of IMO Conventions and helping to improve the performance of its Member States.
“But we are very concerned about the ambitions of the European Commission to speak at IMO on behalf of 25 nations, and to reduce the scope for independent action by national experts who are currently free to debate the details of new rules on the basis of their technical merits. We fear that the growing co-ordination of positions in Brussels will increase the politicisation of debates at IMO, and reduce the quality of decision making. Brussels does not seem to realise that both the industry and society at large would be the losers as a result.
European activity affects all ICS members, not least those in Asia. Although the main focus of our work will always be IMO, we agreed that we must also be active in our relations with the various EU institutions on behalf of the global industry.”
Mr. Westfal-Larsen added “If we can improve the quality of the dialogue with European politicians and policy makers, and thus the quality of the decision making process, everyone will benefit.”
IACS and Common Structural Rules
The meeting took note of the continuing discussions in the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) on Common Structural Rules for tankers and bulk carriers.
“ICS has strongly supported the development of Common Structural Rules,” Mr. Westfal–Larsen said. “We have been calling for stronger ships and welcome the energy that the Classification Societies have put into the exercise. Coming together to agree a common approach cannot have been easy, and we know that even now there are tensions within IACS on how the tanker and bulk carrier rules will be harmonised.”
“The details of CSRs are important to the industry. But so is the cohesion of IACS. Indeed in the light of our discussions I would say that preserving a united IACS today is the top priority, and we believe nothing should be allowed to threaten this.”
ILO Super Convention
National associations reviewed progress being made at the International Labour Organization (ILO) towards the development of a Consolidated Maritime Labour Standards Convention that will combine the 60 existing ILO maritime conventions and recommendations into a single, simpler instrument.
“Our objective is that this new Convention will not only provide a solid basis for a common international understanding on sound employment world-wide, but it should also be attractive for governments to ratify and enforce,” said Mr Westfal-Larsen.
He added: “The final tripartite negotiations, in which ISF will continue to co-ordinate the employers’ group, will be challenging. Our meeting was very conscious of the need to produce a convention that will not be seen simply as the result of a deal between employers and unions. We must ensure that governments will feel that they ‘own’ the new Convention.
The new ILO Convention is due to be finalised in Geneva in February 2006.
Canadian criminal sanctions for accidents
In addition to discussing the implications of the EU Directive on Criminal Sanctions for Ship Source Pollution which, in conflict with the MARPOL Convention, could criminalise companies and seafarers involved with genuine accidents, the meetings expressed their great disappointment at the decision last week by the Canadian Senate to adopt similar legislation in conflict with Canada’s international treaty obligations – the so called
Bill C–15.
Mr Westfal-Larsen explained: “The Canadian Senate’s decision removes the presumption of innocence of those involved in accidents and undermines the principle of international agreement. We are therefore considering our options as to whether the decision can be contested.”
Mr. Rolf Westfal-Larsen (Norway) was re-elected as ICS Chairman and ISF President. Mr. Spyros M. Polemis (Greece) and Mr. Charles Kurz II (United States) were elected as ICS Vice Chairmen and Mr. Nicolas Saverys (Belgium) and Mr. Sabyasachi Hajara (India) were elected as ISF Vice Presidents.
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) is the principal international trade association for ship operators, with membership comprising 36 national shipowners’ associations representing more than two thirds of the world merchant fleet.
The International Shipping Federation (ISF) is the international employers' organisation for ship operators. Membership comprises national shipowners' associations in 34 countries representing the majority of the world's merchant shipping tonnage.
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