MundoMaritimo and the Danish integrated logistics giant joined forces in a session dedicated to the analysis of port congestion, high freight rates and lack of containers and the impact on the West Coast of South America route. The webinar “Consequences of container market congestion in ports of the WCSA route” had over 2,000 registered attendees and over 1,000 connected live who watched and listened with the intent on the causes of world-wide port congestion, freight rates and the case study of the Peruvian ports.
Presented by Victor Gallardo, Managing Director MundoMaritimo and moderated by Barbara Salgado, International Content Editor, the speakers -all high-ranking executives for Maersk- did a full run through the causes of port congestion in the WCSA rout, analysis of the current context of freight rates and what to expect for the rest of 2021, and the specific case of Callao.
State of the local industry
The first speaker, Johan Bacigalupo, WSA Head of Sales for Bananas, Pines & Frozen Cargo Maersk, went from beginning to end on the origins and outcome of port congestion. “Starting with the pandemic and mobility restrictions, consumer behavior patterns changed and shifted towards e-commerce, where suddenly there was a high volume of demand, low capacity for human response and empty containers scattered all over the world without a clear return path to export ports. Added to this are the sanitary inspections at ports, delaying even further vessel departure,” he says, highlighting how his ‘side effect’ of the pandemic has become a problem itself.
Later, Jorge Dávila, Head of Sales West Coast of South America Maersk, touched a sensitive fiber with the audience when referring to freight rates. “Prices are at an all-time high, maybe even the highest they’ve ever been, but it is not fair to make the comparison to freight rates before the pandemic, when the overall scenario was completely different. The balance between offer and demand was diverse and profitability did not surpass 2%, even below the capital investment. We must be able to co-create solutions, reinvent ourselves facing the future. Because today it’s the pandemic, but tomorrow it could be tidal waves at the ports caused by climate change, or environmental requirements, etcetera,” says the executive who recently took up the position at Maersk’s office in Chile.
Last but not least, Carlos José Fabbri, Country Manager Hamburg Süd Perú, highlighted that “the current situation in the WCSA ports in general and in Peruvian ports in particular is the perfect storm as a consequence of international port congestion and lack of containers.”
Online debut
“Our webinar has been a space for sharing with the market a key analysis on the reasons behind the congestion situation that affects our industry and the supply chain. We hope to have also shed light on the actions taken towards the objective to help stabilize the market. The organization and convening of the event by MundoMaritimo have been formidable,” says Hamburg Süd’s Fabbri.
Jorge Dávila also thanked the opportunity for working together and give visibility to the issues that interest the key players in our region. “Thanks to MundoMaritimo for the chance to share Maersk’s perspective on the current situation our industry is currently facing. We always prefer less volatility and more stable results in the long run, and hopefully this opportunity opens up for fruitful discussions in the future among the different actors in the supply chain, focused on co-creating alternative solutions to address bottlenecks.”
“Most certainly the uncertainty brought on by the pandemic is being overcome as a team! And even though it was to be expected to find additional disruptions along the way and sudden changes may continue -not just related to the virus but also to climate change- it is imperative that as actors in the supply chain we continue to work hand in hand to manage them in the best way possible, creating a more resilient supply chain, long-term relationships, door to door solutions and, overall, a win-win for all parties involved in international trade. Count on us (as Maersk) to take that step forward. Thanks to MundoMaritimo for this space for interaction with the industry, I’m sure there will be a second part to it,” says Bacigalupo.
For those who did not get the chance to log on live to the webinar or wish to watch it again, here is the on-demand link.
By MundoMaritimo
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