For the first time in its over 40 years of history, TOC Events showcased a seminar fully in Spanish during the TOC Connect #Global conference. It was a lively conversation among 4 speakers, experts in digitalization and the impact of it in port operations, with the intervention of a moderator for the Q&A portion. “TOC Americas is a conference that has grown and gained followers, forming a consolidated maritime, port, and logistics community within the Latin American region. To have for the first time a seminar completely presented in Spanish is a recognition to our Spanish-speaking public, which is a key part of the Americas’ industry,” says Víctor Gallardo, Representative Latin America TOC Events Worldwide, in exclusive to MundoMaritimo, conference media partner.
Digitalization roadmap
“The goal should not be the technology for the sake of the technology; the technology must be understood as a means, not an end,” says speaker Manuel Francisco Martínez, Chief Technology Officer, Huelva Port Authority, who highlighted the importance of having clear objectives when it comes to the level of digitalization desired and the use the technology will have. “It is more important to look at the data than the technology,” adds the Huelva executive, highlighting once more that the importance of technology and its digital applications is in the final objective.
The road to digitalization is built by steps, little by little, taking into account the environment, looking around, and getting to know what your peers and competitors are doing in the industry, so as to determine what it is desired to achieve in the port. “Technology is the booster for the future, that is why you have to analyze the process, understand it and also understand the potential of the tools before applying them,” adds speaker Ignacio Boschi, Logistics Innovation Program Coordinator, ANII.
Key collaboration
However, when it comes to digitalization and digital transformation collaboration among parties is key. That’s why it is so important to have clear roles between the port and authorities so that together they can respond adequately and promptly to stakeholders’ needs. “[on the road to digitalization] the role authorities have to assume is to be a Community Manager, where the main challenge is to promote collaboration and boost efficiency in the hinterland of influence, as well as develop new businesses linked to adding value to products prior to export,” says Bárbara Allendes, Senior Information Technology Consultant, HPC Hamburg Port Consulting GmbH.
On her part, Mariela Gutarra, Digital Government Leader & CTO, National Port Authority of Peru, agrees that collaboration is key to achieve a successful digital transformation. “The key is collaboration. Collaborate with the data, so that the innovation ecosystem can be combined and thus deliver added value to the port community. The market changes. The market today is a new, different one, that has changed due to the impact of the pandemic, and further along, it will change again. Today the market is not just maritime, it is also port, logistic and land, and technology and its uses must be coordinated to satisfy the needs of all those dimensions,” concluded the APN executive.
Another point of key collaboration identified by the speakers was education and training of the human teams regarding technology, all from the nature of the technology selected, it’s applications, impact and objectives pursued with its use. “We need more graduate studies in logistics and they must include the digital transformation into the curriculum so that the professionals of the future will have the tools to understand the potential of digitalization and the importance and impact of 4.0 logistics,” points out Boschi, to which Allendes adds “we need training on different levels.”
Moderator Tatiana Rabat, Process Analyst, President, Port of Cartagena and member of WISTA Colombia, emphasized that “one of the great conclusions of the panel was the importance of implementing strategies with a collaborative focus, to make integral interventions that allow the achievement of strategic goals of port terminals,” while for Ignacio Boschi, the panel was “an excellent opportunity to discuss a critical subject for the future of port operations in the region. The importance of a digitalization strategy that considers all parts of the supply chain, from the hinterland to carriers, small, medium and large businesses was made clear in a view to strengthen the entire supply chain.”
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