Thursday, March 13, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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The steady pace of AXSMarine: "We believe in the balance of the ecosystem"


The steady pace of AXSMarine: "We believe in the balance of the ecosystem"

Exclusive interview with CEO Jacques Goudchaux
Edition of July 27, 2020

Keeping the fundamentals in mind is what makes you go the long run. In 2000, AXSMarine tapped into the rising world of Software as a service -SAAS- and launched the first of many products currently in its portfolio: AXSDry. Twenty years later, the product is very different, as it has gone through many changes, adapting and improving to provide a better service and experience for its users… but the fundamentals stay the same: how much can you get from the information. “We do not play part in the ‘disruption’ of the ecosystem, we believe in maintaining the balance and growing with the market, accompanying the industry along the way without creating a revolution,” says AXSMarine CEO Jacques Goudchaux in an exclusive interview with MundoMaritimo on the occasion of the technological solutions company’s 20-year anniversary.

The products that makeup AXSMarine’s portfolio are many and have all come into play in specific periods when the time was right to strike in with something new. Goudchaux says the ‘recipe for success’ has always been a combination of keen observation to detect a problem/opportunity and offering a value-adding solution. That’s how AXSDry, AXSTanker, Alphaliner, Alphatanker, AXSQ, AXSMarine API Hub, AXSInsights, AXSMail, AXSMarine Trade Flows, and AXSMarine Cargobook make up the company’s portfolio, along with AXSReader, a game-changer solution which picks out relevant info our of emails flow to eliminate manual entry of data, among other features the different solutions carry in order to offer the most efficient tools. “We never aimed for unrealistic ambitions. These are the basics that I think will never change. Systems are only doing what people teach them to do and only become as easy to use as we determine,” says Goudchaux, who also speaks of a generation gap between the younger executives that are using the AXSMarine platforms and the older professionals who are not all-embracing the change as fast. “There is still quite some resistance to change in this industry and there are yet not enough people in the older generations that use the systems to their full potential. So, instead of trying to create a revolution we’ve tried to listen to render the best possible service in an easily accessible system and that closes the generation gap,” says Jacques.

During 2020 AXSMarine has launched its new big data solution AXSInsights, an intuitive time-saving portal that replaces manual processes by making data more accessible, actionable, delivering higher transparency with on-the-spot summaries and breakdowns, all product of 20 years of capturing data. Of course, we wanted to know if there were more new releases coming up this year, but “although there is nothing new for 2020, we are always busy in the backstage updating and fine-tuning our existing platforms, working on developing our nextgen unitized platform AXS360 that will gradually replace current verticals as from 2021” says the CEO.

‘Adapting’ to COVID-19

As the only thing a user needs to tap into AXSMarine’s platforms is an Internet connection, the solutions were already ‘adapted’ to the COVID-19 imposed distancing. AXSMarine’s solutions are designed to provide the same level of access to data, systems and offer the same collaborative environment ‘as if in the office’. “Our users kept on accessing the platforms and downloading the data in the same way they did when in the office, so the coronavirus confinement imposition did not pose a problem for our clients. What we have seen is a higher volume of consumption of data, not different data, but definitely more,” says Goudchaux, who adds that in spite of cost-reducing policies coming up in every corner of the industry, the need for the service and data is still strong.

However, despite the success of AXSMarine’s solutions during the pandemic, they are always attentive and listening to the industry, learning the message behind the behavior. “Since the beginning of the pandemic users realized that our systems were already offering the flexibility required by COVID-19, so this turned into an interesting opportunity for resilience. Also, what this is teaching us is that the closer we get to being an end-to-end provider to our clients, the better they will feel about the products and become ‘healthier’ by consuming them,” adds the executive.

And after 20 years, AXSMarine knows how to detect a genuinely value-adding product. In the face of the accelerated digitalization the pandemic has brought on, there has been a rapid increase of “less-sophisticated products that are destroying the value for tech solutions that have been around for years,” says the expert who adds that there is room for new developments in the market for solutions related to the areas of compliance, safety, sanctions, and even emissions.

What’s next?

That is always the question with AXSMarine. They have the expertise, knowledge, and tools to keep on conquering the digital sphere with innovative and practical value-adding solutions. We inquired about where they may head to with future projects -2021 and beyond. “We do see a lot of resistance to change, so for introducing new solutions we have to point to higher efficiency in order to capture the attention. We are working on an ERP-type system for shipbrokers to manage their fixtures and of course, we are always open to new ideas to develop software, platforms, and solutions, even beyond the scope of our core. There are many opportunities in the other ecosystems we do not yet participate in,” says Goudchaux.

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