With 2020 almost over, ‘tis that time of year for analysis of what has been and projections of what’s to come. Of course, COVID is now part of any forecast ahead and has disrupted everything, not just from the operative standpoint, but from a much deeper and meaningful reality of readjusting the entire approach to work and operations. Thus, the technological disruption has become an important ally in navigating the rough waters the pandemic has brought on, especially when it comes to import/export trends and how to read them correctly and prepare for the future.
Navin Kumar, Chief Investigation Bulk Shipping and Rahul Sharan, Dry Bulk Specialist, experts from international maritime consultancy firm Drewry Shipping, analyzed the 4.0 industry and what to expect from the dry bulk market in 2021 in a post-COVID world, respectively.
Digital disruption
Digital technologies were already here before the pandemic hit, but it took a microscopic virus to set the world on alert and accelerate the use of these technologies for their own health benefits. That’s how artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, blockchain and other technologies have become the backbone of the industry 4.0. But to better understand the present ‘4th industrial revolution’, Kumar did a complete of the previous stages of industrial development. “Industry 1.0 was the introduction of mechanical action, steam power combined with manual expertise; later, the second wave introduced mass production, assembly line and electric energy; the third stage was the introduction of computers, robots and automation; and now we see the incorporation of cloud computing, the concept of ‘smart factories & processes’, Internet of Things and a high level of flexibility that allow remote operations for Internet enabled factories,” says Kumar.
Robotics, simulation, system integration, cyber security, cloud computing, 3d printing, augmented reality, big data & analytics are all more than just innovate technologies, but actually have important roles within companies and productive industries. “With the use of a 3d printer you can print your own spare parts and fix a piece of equipment on the spot instead of having to purchase it and/or wait for delivery,” says Kumar, who also mentioned blockchain and the applications many companies in the shipping industry have created using this technology. “Linking ledgers of encrypted information, allow safe and secure exchange of data,” highlights the expert. Data analytics is another important digital tool, allowing the study of data and thus predict trends, make forecasts and other future-oriented information that help in the efforts of efficiency and smart operations, like smart ports and their intertwined actions of real-time control of terminal, connected to the outer world, personnel & assets at the same time, forward thinking policies and actions, all in an environment of collaboration and communication.
“There’s a challenge for traditional players to adapt to a system where all industries are migrating to, but the initial change must come from management. The rewards system has to change, problems must be communicated, organizations need to adapt and businesses must re-structure themselves in order to accept and integrate innovation,” says the Drewry expert.
What to expect in dry bulk
Rahul Sharan focused on the dry bulk markets of Chile and Peru and how they have been impacted by COVID. “We see an upwards trend in the export of metal concentrate and salt in Chile, while iron ore and potash are down, with China as the main import partner for the rising minerals, United States is a large buyer of salt and potash is almost evenly spread between South Africa, Brazil, Mexico and other countries,” says the Drewry expert analyst. While in imports, steam coal, clinker and grain are up, and steel products are down, with the main economies importing into the country being Australia, South Korea, Argentina and China, respectively. As for Peru, exports of iron ore, metal concentrate and clinker are upwards, phosphate rock is down, where China drives the demand except for phosphate rock, where the US leads. Imports of grain, steel products, metal concentrate and scrap are coming in on the rise from Argentina, China and United States, and cement and clinkers are trending downwards from Vietnam. “The key trends we see are an overall decline of -2.4% in dry bulk trade in 2020 over 2019, but we project an increase of 4.8% in 2021 over this year’s figures, as the arrow points to 24,151 btm for 2025,” says Sharan, who is confident of a market recovery in 2021, depending on how well COVID-19 is contained in the following months. “Reactivation in China and subsequent manufacturing activity should act as an important driver for recovery,” adds Sharan. Also, iron ore, coal, grain and minor bulk trades should pull up in all scenarios as containment of the pandemic furthers and China picks up on imports.
Kumar and Sharan shared their insights during the “Paradigm shift in shipping” webinar, organized Lighthouse Chartering. The session was moderated by Christian Kassu, Founder and General Manager Lighthouse Chartering and was sponsored by the Instituto Superior Alemán de Comercio (INSALCO) and had the support of MundoMaritimo as a strategic alliance.
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