Thursday, January 23, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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September 11, 2022 Container market slowdown marks bleak scenario until 2026 Outlook shows contraction in 2023, followed by pick-up

The Covid aftermath is continuing to take its toll on the maritime logistics industry, paired with the effects of the Russia-Ukraine ongoing conflict. “Global container trade is slowing as high energy and food prices affect both consumer confidence and business investment. It means bottlenecks in supply chains and congestion at ports is easing with container and vessel productivity rates improving. On the other hand, freight rates are sliding,” reads the opening of the container shipping outlook presented at maritime consultancy firm Drewry’s “Container equipment market Outlook” webinar, presented early September.

Composed of highlights from the Annual Container Census & Leasing Report 2022/23 and Container Equipment Forecaster 2Q22, published at the end of the second quarter, the results forecast a bleak scenario for the industry up until 2026. The signs began to show in 2021 and have accentuated during the first six months of 2022. “World port handling activity increased by an anticipated 6.8% in 2021, down on the previous guidance of 8.2%,” as gathered in the report presented by Martin Dixon, Head of Research Products, and John Fossey, Senior Analyst, Container Equipment.

A congested growth

Although in 2021 there was a very sharp recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic issues that affected the container market, growth has been compromised. In September 2020, Drewry had forecasted 8.2% growth for 2021, yet actual growth only reached 6.8%. Twelve months ago, the forecast for 2022 was 5.2%, however growth will only reach 2.3% this year. Port congestion and inflationary pressures on the rise have contributed significantly to these less-than-expected results, an outlook supported by the forecast released by IMF and OECD, which shows that the global economy is indeed slowing down.

Adjusted forecast for global throughput growth is projected between 2.9% - 3.4% annually until 2026, reflecting the container market. Growth in container trade is increasing, albeit slower. Therefore, demand for equipment is still rising.

Record equipment production

High demand has pushed the need for equipment, and carriers with all-time revenues are investing heavily in new equipment. Thus, container production hit a record in 2021, with 6.6 mteu dry freight and 380,000 reefer teu produced in China. However, “this year production has slowed, with an estimated 2.1 mteu built in the first six months of 2022, down 37% on the corresponding period of 2021,” states Drewry, showing that the expectation for the full year is to reach 4.2 mteu. This sharp drop is due to a slower rate of growth in trade, and due to the fact that lessors are exercising more caution about buying new containers against longer term commitments from the ocean carriers and kept their budgets significantly lower this year than they were in 2021.

As congestion in global supply chains eases vessel productivity levels increases and that results in containers being turned around slightly faster, also meaning less need for new equipment. Also, reefer container was down 22% January – June 2022, compared to the same period the year before.

Bouncing back

Before global fleet growth and production reaches a steady rhythm, the current slowdown will hit a contraction point next year. “Drewry expects the pool of container equipment to decrease slightly in 2023 and then increase YoY up to 2026. The number of ageing containers replaced in 2021 was much smaller than expected as congestion in supply chains meant they were needed for maritime trading purposes. An overhang of equipment exists in the fleet and now is being removed. Production will range between 3.8 and 5.2 mteu over the next five years. Although these numbers are high by historical standards, we [Drewry] believe there is sufficient capacity in the industry to comfortably produce this number of containers, but when it comes to China, we see most developments taking place in automation and the digitalization processes to make manufacturing more efficient and safer. You don’t see much investment in expansion of factories (existing or new ones). And we also believe that some consolidation could take place,” said Fossey as he presented the current trends and the projections forecasted.

As for equipment ownership, for the first time, the equally divided share between carrier ownership and leasing will fall below 50% for the latter, most likely as a reflection of the contraction in growth expected for 2023 and part of lessors’ cautious budgetary strategy, and because carriers have more cash right now, they are spending more, and it is cheaper for them to own their containers instead of renting them. Later, up until 2026 the lessors’ share should in fact increase to 54%. As for the detected trends, 20ft containers are gaining ground in the overall pool for the next five years, and second-hand sales are increasing. Container cycle times remain extended, which makes box availability tight. Yes, it is improving but, as will be with all the projections, there’s a sharp fall expected on the vessel slot operating ratio in 2023, lower than the historic trend line of 1.75- 1.8 up to 2026.

It'll get worse before it gets better. That appears to be the consensus on demand and container growth. But at least this time, we have been warned of the ‘worst’ scenario and we can be prepared.

By MundoMaritimo

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