Tuesday, October 22, 2024 | ISSN 0719-241X
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July 23, 2020 "How COVID-19 has changed the landscape of global container shipping market" Intermodal Digital Insights: Global overview of the container shipping market

“How COVID-19 has changed the landscape of the global container shipping market,” is the hot topic of the season. But this new scenario es different in every region of the world and ever-changing with each day. Without a doubt, Asia is going through the crisis at a different pace than the rest of the western world, so they have insights that they can share that can help the industry to cope and adapt better. Mid-July is the usual date for the Intermodal Asia event, organized every year by Intermodal Events but this year COVID-19 lead the debate into the virtual world with the creation of the Intermodal Digital Insights webinar series.

In keeping with the tradition of high-profile speakers, Intermodal Digital Insights gathered the ‘cream of the crop’ for discussing the current landscape and the possibilities for the future. Moderated by Mark Bennett, President Sun Intermodal, the webinar held on July 14 included panels by Jonathan Zhu, Managing Director for Greater China MSC; Tim Power, Managing Director and Head of Maritime Advisors Drewry; John Fossey, Contributing Editor WorldCargo News; and Fred Shi, Deputy General Manager Jiangsu Dowill Paint Co., Ltd.

The industry in Paradise

“There’s no point in thinking the shipping industry has to continuously struggle to make money. The changes in industry fundamentals have created conditions for the liner industry to be ‘as close to Paradise’ as it is going to get,” says Drewry’s Tim Power who spoke of the changes in economies of scale, an increase of capacity and consolidation that are actually now working at the industry’s benefit. The executive says that thanks to the changes in industry fundamentals, “the scope for economies of scale is now limited. The liner arms race will abate. Concentration at the company level and in major alliances has created the conditions in which capacity can be matched effectively to demand. Stable utilization will promote higher rates and margins. Likely changes in trade patterns pose significant risks to growth in deep-sea liner trades. Fundamentals have improved but demand growth outlook is uncertain,” highlights the Drewry expert.

Jonathan Zhu, Managing Director for Greater China MSC, agrees with Power’s assessment of the changes present in today’s industry. Shippers are diversifying manufacturing facilities to lower risk, there’s a clear increase in re-shoring or nearshoring. In the short term, it is unlikely to see a massive shift, but in a medium-term more companies will be adopting a ‘China plus one’ model of production. However, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and half the world still under on-off quarantines, “it is too early to gauge when economies will recover from the COVID-19 outbreak,” says the MSC executive. The company is taking a prudent approach to capacity management while remaining agile, all the while recognizing the need for a mix of fast and slow ocean solutions to regulate transit times.

Intermodal, SOT and MyMSC

Intermodal is the new logistics solution being applied in China today. “There are mature intermodal developments in China, with a comprehensive barging system, feedering at coastal areas and with rail products expanding,” says the MSC head for China.

Suspension of Transit SOT is the other hot trend in China these days, where the client has the choice to ship their cargo from any origin to any destination thus avoiding higher storage costs at the destination, allows ship cargo for business continuity, more flexible with deliveries and manage cash flow by delaying destination fees and duties, generating general savings on the entire transportation.

On the digital front, MyMSC is the liner’s app that allows greater transparency and control for clients and more efficient bookings. “With MyMSC clients may get a quote in seconds with just a few simple clicks, 24/7 online. There are options to immediately complete the booking or save it for later,” says Zhu.

The future

The WorldCargo News Contributing Editor, John Fossey, presents a future landscape based on an analysis of the current conditions: recovery will happen but slower than after the financial crisis of 2008/9; global supply chains have been disrupted and will take time to get back to normal; coronavirus has to be paid for; remote working has been successful for many companies and this will change future business practices; the use of digital concepts and artificial intelligence will be boosted as a consequence of the pandemic; some rationalization is expected in some port/terminal calls with some facilities not seeing all services return, pushing possible collaborations between operators and logistics sector; among others.

The session was sponsored by Jiangsu Dowill Paint Co., where Deputy General Manager Fred Shi talked about Dowill’s solvent-free solution to solve flash rust.

By MundoMaritimo

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