Wednesday, March 12, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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February 15, 2021 Changes Latam ports need for facing the 21st century and the digital transformation IAPH joint webinar with CIP-OAS

The pandemic has brought on many challenges, but we are now seeing the benefits of adapting to the trials faced. Sanitary conditions such as social distancing, as well as limited human contact and remote work propelled the digital transformation, a phenomenon already under way, but much accelerated by the need to use technology in favor of keeping business afloat. Ports are not detached from this problematic, having had to incorporate digital and automated processes in a much shorter period than initially considered. That’s precisely what the “Facing the Future: Port Challenges and Trends in Latin America & the Caribbean” joint webinar organized by the International Association of Ports & Harbors IAPH and the Inter-American Committee on Ports CIP from the OAS.

MundoMaritimo attended the online event exclusively, to learn about the three case studies presented that show how Latin American ports stepped up to the challenges set up by COVID-19 and how these experiences can serve as inspiration for others in the region going further into the 21st century and the digital transformation. “Is COVID-19 a catalyst to overcoming obstacles to true data sharing between port stakeholders? The COVID-19 contagion has put digitalisation front and center stage, with teleworking, increased data collaboration and innovation needed to keep ports operating. It has also exposed the fragility of end-to-end supply chains dependent on paper procedures & processes as well as network infrastructure susceptible to outtages, malware and cyber-attacks. Can the port industry collectively embrace digital innovation to improve efficiencies and facilitate trade? More optimistically, could the ongoing pandemic actually accelerate acceptance of digital data formats across all the entities that touch goods? If the COVID-19 crisis is the catalyst, what does that future look like?” reads the event invitation extract.

The webinar was presented by Mona Swoboda, Program Manager at the OAS Inter-American Committee on Ports and moderated by Jorge Durán, Chief of the Secretariat, Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) and with special remarks from Santiago Garcia-Milà, IAPH President and Deputy General Manager, Port of Barcelona. Patrick Verhoeven, Managing Director IAPH gave the opening remarks to the online event, presenting briefly on the association’s work program for 2021.

Examples of digital transformation

Three case studies showed the different ways to integrate digital transformation into port operations. First up was Jamaica, with Dwain Powell, Head, Port Community Systems, Port Authority of Jamaica, who presented the country’s advanced PCS which stands out in the Americas region as a successful case of data collaboration, a “neutral and open electronic platform enabling intelligent and secure exchange of information between public and private stakeholders in order to improve the competitive position of the sea and airport’s communities.” The Jamaica PCS has major trade facilitation initiatives within the country’s terminals and government authorities, with which there’s open and fluid data collaboration. “More than getting rid of paper, what we aim for is fluid data collaboration, streamlined procedure, interoperability and secure data transmission,” says Powell, who highlighted the accomplishments obtained thanks to the PCS’ re-engineered processes, higher efficiency and automation through the reduction of paperwork.

Tessa Major, IAPH Vice President, America, Central and South Region, and Director International Business & Innovation at Porto do Açu, Brazil, presented on risk and resilience through a collaborative approach with the local and international maritime community. “In light of the 2019 oil spill in Brazil, the community’s response was out of line with the guidelines. So, the Port Administration set up a project to define strategy, priorities and lines of action to deal with the incident at the port area,” says Major, who highlighted the internal coordination and external relations actions that led to the successful management of the disaster. As for the international collaboration, the Port of Açu is part of the World Ports Sustainability Program (WPSP) joint task force, aimed at fighting the effects of COVID-19. “We work on a Port Economic Impact Barometer, monitoring of port trends gathering weekly inputs from ports of all regions. This extensive collaboration has enabled full and continuous overview of COVID-19 impact on ports.”

Port-City Relation was the topic of Monica del Rosario Arias Moreno, Advisor to the President, National Port Authority APN, Peru, showing the sustainability of the relation between the port of Callao and the city of Lima. “We built the port-city relation between Callao and Lima on the basis of 7 pillars: governance, economic, environment, culture, spatial, technology and social. These pillars allow us to organize the strategic actions that lead to sustainable relationship and development,” says the APN executive.

Santiago García-Milá, President of IAPH ended the webinar with closing remarks for the Latin America community, inviting all to become members of the association and to take the steps forward to technological transformation. The webinar is part of a successful cycle of virtual presentations prepared for Southeast Asia, Europe, and South Asia, where the same topics were discussed making for an interesting debate.

By MundoMaritimo

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