To face a disrupted reality, it is necessary to use different tools from the traditional ones. That’s why due to the pandemic digital disruption went from a timid approximation of futuristic technologies to a real use and practical application that has become crucial for taking on the challenges imposed by COVID-19. Social distancing and restrictions on mobility boosted consumer habits that have tensioned the supply chain to the extreme, forcing it to seek support in technology to move forward.
The much anticipated ‘new normal’ has a strong technological component that has come to stay. And precisely to talk about these technologies and their impact, ChainGo Tech, with the support of CPA Ferrere and MundoMaritimo, organized the webinar “New logistics in Latam,” which focused on digitalization and the disruptive technologies -such as AI, IoT, blockchain- and the effects of the pandemic in the logistics sector, how the supply chains have been affected and how the sanitary logistics have been managed.
Disruptive technologies
Presented by Pilar Troncoso, ChainGoTech Co-founder and with the participation of Gabriel Silveira, Digital Transformation Manager CPA Ferrere, Ignacio Boschi, Logistics Innovation Program Coordinator ANII Uruguay (Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación) and Eduardo Lugo, CEO and President Maritime & Logistics Consulting Group and moderated by Víctor Gallardo, Managing Director MundoMaritimo, over 500 attendants learned -live and on demand- about the benefits of disruptive technologies in the supply chain.
“Blockchain must be understood as one more piece within the logistics 4.0 puzzle. It has a catalyst characteristic because of its capacity to facilitate communications exchanges between different parts. Blockchain enables a trustworthy environment, which ensures transparency,” explains Andrés Garrido, CEO ChainGo Tech, as part of the opening conversation lead by Gallardo.
On his part, Gabriel Silveira from CPA Ferrere, spoke on how business models have changed thanks to technology. “The pandemic accelerated a process that some had already begun. It allows us to do things better and to do new things. Now, from the restrictions to commerce caused by the pandemic, the main change is moving towards different platforms as the way the world has managed to consolidate offer-demand,” days the specialist in big data, who also highlighted the penetration of technology in last mile logistics.
Physical vs digital
However, despite the technological advances, the need for physical supplies does not subside. The container shortage and the high freight rates haunt the global logistics industry like a ghost. “[the high freight rates will continue] until empty containers are made available so that the situation can be solved,” concludes the expert in logistics, Eduardo Lugo from Maritime & Logistics Consulting Group, who suggests that the solution for container availability is in a combination of logistics efficiency -obtained through technology- and adapting to new consumer patterns.
But not just containers and global logistics are the problem. The Latin American consumer was used to associating online shopping to remote businesses, such as Amazon or Aliexpress, with the arrival of the pandemic local commerce -pharmacies, grocery stores, supermarkets- was forced to provide an effective shopping and delivery solution supported by digital technology.
In that sense, Ignacio Boschi, from ANII hits the nail in the head regarding the challenges to achieve a successful digital transformation in logistics in Latin America: [logistics] is still seen as an expense rather than an investment. That’s why companies, with all this digitalization dynamism, have not been able to prepare people for 4.0 logistics,” explains the expert in logistics innovation, who adds that “the pandemic deepens into that situation of having to carefully plan where, when and how to invest, which makes us think it over more than twice but, at the same time, makes it very clear that we must make the transition towards digital integration to better adapt to the logistics challenge.”
Environmental impact
Another of the tangible benefits of digital integration and transformation is the positive environmental impact produced by a combination of two factors: alternative energies and efficient use of energy resources. “The final client is demanding improvements on the environmental impact. Europe is leading on this, while Latin America has yet to rise to the challenge and move forward in certifications related to the issue,” says Gabriel Silveira from CPA Ferrere. On his part, Andrés Garrido adds that “clients want to know the carbon footprint on the transportation of their goods. And this is not coming from an imposed regulation, but is part of the accountability the client wants from the shipper and thus the traceability of the environmental impact goes through the entire supply chain.”
Latin America has all the inputs needed to move forward in the digital transformation of the supply chain, integrating technologies and energy efficiency to achieve the sustainable trifecta of the supply chain which is where all services must evolve to. Watch the entire webinar here.
By MundoMaritimo
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