Sunday, February 23, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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September 29, 2004 When information should be considered sensitive and be protected Sensitive Security Information (SSI)

1. The Intended Legislation:

The Interim final rule issued by the US. Government in the Federal Register/Vol.69, No. 96/Tuesday, May 18, 2004/Rules and Regulations, states that it “incorporates and revises the current provisions of the SSI [Sensitive Security Information] … that define the universe of entities and individuals that are subject to the regulation’s requirements” which include “…persons who receive SSI as part of a legal enforcement action” and “Each person who has access to SSI, as specified in s.s.15.11” For example, in this Sub section, such persons are covered if they need “ the information to provide technical or legal advice to a covered person regarding aviation or maritime transportation security requirements of Federal law”

What needs to be considered also, apart of the information which would be regulated by this regulation and therefore protected from disclosure, is the time when such information originates. The information may be known by other parties which may not be covered by this regulation, before the information becomes protected from disclosure.

2. Packing, the Bill of Lading and the Manifest:

There are three elements which need to be considered against the universe of entities and individuals who are subject to the legislation. These are:

(i)   The Pre Transportation Information: The packing and storing processes are operations under which a number of tasks will be executed before the goods are transported by container, semi-bulk or bulk. Packing and storing are the stages under which checks are done on what is put inside boxes, bags, pallets, containers, warehouses, etc. The information which is created during the pre transportation processes will be used to describe the goods in detail in the Manifest and the Bill of Lading. Such information relates to transportation arising out of preparation, shipment and provision of information as required under the Manifest and the Bill of Lading.

(ii)   The Bill of Lading: The Bill of Lading is a document containing information such as from where the goods are shipped from/to, the customer order information, carrier information, Bill of Lading Number, the carrier’s name, etc. What needs to be considered is if the information in the Bill of Lading may be used to plan a terrorist attack and to what extent the information which it contains gives out details included in the Manifest.

(iii)   The US Manifest: Some of the information contained in the Manifest originates during the packing process. The Manifest contains information which, if not protected, may help terrorists and criminals as the information may enable them to plan a criminal or terrorist act. The details require to be disclosed in the manifest are more onerous than the required to be entered in the Bill of Lading.

3. Final comment:

What needs to be considered is to what extent such intended legislation will be effective and necessary. Experts are of the opinion that criminals and terrorists are better prepared by collecting information to assist them to plan their crimes. A terrorist may not need to gather information from the Manifest and instead may use the packing documents or bills of lading. The information originating from the pre transportation stage and contained in the Bill of Lading directly relates to the transportation of goods and therefore to the security aspect. It is the case that in order to protect themselves in case of facing a penalty for breaches in respect of the Manifest, carriers are insisting on putting the same and therefore more detailed information in the bills of lading in order to enable them to pass on the liability to those having provided it to them in the first place in the contractual chain. Such information was not formerly required to be entered in the bills. The question which needs to be assessed by antiterrorism experts is how the collection of information during the pre transportation process would assist a criminal or a terrorist. The issue here is why enact legislation which only protects information which may be already known by people outside those regulated by this rule? This needs further analysis. The creation of a Convention which regulates the pre transportation process through to delivery and which possesses the necessary framework to co-ordinate the handling of sensitive information across the different jurisdictions throughout the entire supply chain may assist in protecting the information fully.

By Pysden Solicitors

Políticas de Privacidad

La política que en el presente documento se indica, tiene por objeto informar a los usuarios de MundoMaritimo sobre el proceder de nuestra empresa respecto del tratamiento de los datos de carácter personal recogidos a través de nuestros portales.

1 | Recolección:

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Para qué se utiliza la información recolectada.

Toda la información recolectada de los usuarios en MundoMaritimo tiene por objetivo:

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2. Uso:

Estos datos que usted proporciona libre y voluntariamente, tienen por objeto dar un mejor servicio, información y utilidades a nuestros usuarios. Usted tiene el derecho de no aceptar entregarlos, renunciando a los beneficios que nuestro sitio web entrega.

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Nuestra política respecto de los datos recogidos es la siguiente:

La responsabilidad por la veracidad de los datos recogidos por esta vía, es exclusiva del usuario.

3. Seguridad:

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4. Calidad:

Sin perjuicio de las responsabilidades que al usuario le corresponden, MundoMaritimo tendrá especial cuidado al recolectar, mantener, usar, publicar o distribuir la información personal vinculada a los usuarios y visitantes, verificando que los datos sean correctos, completos y adecuados para cumplir con los fines para los que serán utilizados.

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En todo caso, y como medida de seguridad, MundoMaritimo se reserva el derecho de verificar la autenticidad de la comunicación.

6. Publicación e intercambio:

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7. Uso de información vinculada a terceros:

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8. Servicios prestados por terceras empresas en el sitio:

Eventualmente, MundoMaritimo, puede contratar los servicios de empresas externas, con el fin de entregar nuevos servicios y productos a través de este sitio web. La información recabada en su caso por dichas empresas, se regirá por el acuerdo del usuario de la misma.

Si tiene alguna duda o pregunta sobre nuestra política de privacidad, le rogamos contactarse a [email protected]

9. Publicidad asociada

Respecto a los servicios de anuncios publicitarios o información promocional, con el objeto de presentarle servicios asociados que puedan ser de su interés, tenemos vínculos con otras compañías a las que permitimos colocar publicidad en nuestras páginas. Estas compañías podrían individualmente solicitar su información directamente con usted, siendo exclusiva responsabilidad de ellas el manejo y manipulación de esta información.

Finalmente, MundoMaritimo no garantiza la privacidad de la información personal del usuario, si éste suministra o difunde información en guías telefónicas públicas, reportajes de prensa, publicaciones, zonas de chateo, boletines u otras similares. Dicha información podrá ser recopilada por terceros, con o sin su consentimiento. El usuario revela esa información bajo su responsabilidad.