Wednesday, February 05, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
logo mundo marítimo
August 24, 2021 The main trends in the TOC Connect #Américas 2021 agenda Focus on business, infrastructure, technology, and energy in the region

The new format of TOC Connect #Americas isn’t just about the virtual venue, but also the content agenda which has also shifted towards the most relevant issues that are affecting the industry currently: market intelligence, port infrastructure, energy transition, digital transformation, and interoperability within the supply chain are just some of the most relevant angles to discuss and analyze that will take the scene in TOC Connect #Americas, which will address present challenges and key trends in the maritime and logistics sector, both virtually and physically. The emphasis of the discussions will be in exchanging experiences between these regions by means of insightful presentations and engaging discussions.

The conference program is the perfect combination of the legacy of TOC Americas and the innovative presentation of TOC Connect #Americas, highlighting the 3-week duration of the event -from October 18 to November 5- in a format albeit forced by social distancing caused by the pandemic, has resulted in a positive way to unite, and connect different regions of the world under one concept event. Among the novelties of TOC Connect #Americas is the first-ever all Spanish-speaking webinar. It’s the discussion panel “Efficiency through digitalization,” which will be part of the third week’s sessions and where attendants will be able to enjoy a combination of content from the first week -focus on the Americas- and the second week -focus on Europe- added to the pieces of original content specially designed for the third and final week of the hybrid experience.

Spotlight on

Starting on October 19, the market intelligence panel will have speakers Peter Levesque, President, Ports America; Juan Carlos Croston, President, Caribbean Shipping Association (CSA); Dinesh Sharma, Director – Drewry Maritime Advisors, Drewry; Howard Finkel, Executive Vice President, Cosco Container Lines; and Eduardo Lugo, President & CEO, Maritime & Logistics Consulting Group & Latin American Representative, Port of Long Beach; will answer key questions such as what is the economic outlook of containerized shipping for the 2021-22 period; developing new trade hubs in the region by creating Special Economic Zones (SEZs) around ports & terminals; how will the changing political landscape in the region impact recovery strategies and future growth; exploring alternative hubs and potential new trade routes for congestion in ports; and China’s Belt and Road vs. G7’s Build Back a Better World (B3W) initiatives.

The digital transformation panel, presented by Ricardo Ortiz, COO, Logiety; Jorge Barnett Lawton, Managing Director, Georgia Tech Panama Logistics Innovation & Research Center; and Gadi Benmoshe, CEO, Marinnovators; will focus on analysing barriers to implement digitalisation effectively in ports & terminals in Latin America; what are the most relevant digital technologies for the port & terminal sector in the Americas and how can these be implemented; optimizing interoperability, trade, and competitiveness in the region through the implementation of harmonized digital processes; and roadmap for an even and effective digital transformation across the region.

On Wednesday, October 20 the day will begin with the port infrastructure and investment forum, with the participation of Diogo Piloni, Ports & Waterways Secretary, Ministry of Infrastructure of Brazil; Rodrigo Galeguillos, General Manager, San Antonio International Terminal (STI); César Rojas, Operations Manager, Paracas Port Terminal; and Alfredo Jurado, Regional General Manager & Corporate Affairs, Yilport Puerto Bolivar. The speakers will focus on reducing bureaucracy standing in the way of port infrastructure investment; how can Latin America attract and retain foreign investment for infrastructure across the supply chain; what are the latest developments in North, Central & South American port infrastructure projects, and what are their main barriers; assessing the benefits of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) to develop port infrastructure and forecasting future investments; analyzing different investment models pursued by terminal operators; is terminal consolidation a viable option to counter the consolidation of shipping lines; and modernizing port infrastructure to increase competitiveness and become a larger hub for maritime logistics.

Later, the session on port transportation, trade & inland logistics will focus on the analysis of the integration of maritime infrastructure and inland logistics in port communities; how are Climate Change & Global Warming shifting port infrastructure; and comparing and contrasting brownfield projects to greenfield projects. Confirmed speakers for the session are Miguel Garin, Director of International Development, Fundación ValenciaPort; Griff Lynch, Executive Director, Georgia Ports Authority; Ricardo Sánchez, Regional Expert on Infrastructure and Ports, United Nations – ECLAC; Patricio Junior, Director – Terminal Investments, TiL; and Ibai Erdozain, Principal, ALG.

Thursday, October 21 the Green transition and sustainability panel will address the key talking points on balancing sustainability & profit: Are they mutually exclusive; designing and executing holistic sustainability strategies in ports & terminals, and the untapped potential in Central & South America to lead the way on green maritime fuels. Speakers Laura Chiuminatto, Deputy Manager of Sustainability, Terminal Pacífico Sur Valparaíso; Alexis Rodríguez, Environmental Protection Specialist, Panama Canal; and Erick Alarcon, Senior Operations Manager, LA RHQ Ocean Network Express.

TOC Connect #Americas will end with the discussion panel “Transforming port operations,” with a focus on how the region has continued to move cargo during the pandemic; what are the emerging trends or tech that will transform port operations in the region; understanding the new buzz worlds in port terms; how to intelligently improve your port/terminal; and how can modern technology be used to best advantage in container terminals.

Sign up is ready for TOC Connect #Americas are available online. For securing your participation, click here and explore the different alternatives to participate  

By MundoMaritimo

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