Saturday, December 21, 2024 | ISSN 0719-241X
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May 11, 2020 "The industry will move as the virus does" Exclusive interview with Editor of Drewry Container Forecast

The coronavirus has had an impact on everything like nothing ever before. The container shipping industry has not been the exception and adapting to the new circumstances has taken a whole new meaning in the face of a virus outbreak that is as unprecedented as it is unpredictable. “This is an extremely dynamic situation that has caught us off guard (…) conditions for international trade and the supply chain will continue to change as the virus does,” says Simon Heany, Senior Manager Container Research and Editor of Container Forecast, Drewry in an exclusive interview.

Heany reminds us that as of December 2019, Drewry’s forecast for 2020 was a moderate 3% port throughput growth. “It wasn’t spectacular, but a continuation of the slow growth trend of the last years.” As of mid-March, forecasters were still predicting growth, not fully aware of the devastation so shortly ahead -and the consequences that are yet to be fully grasped. “All the challenges as of the beginning of the year became irrelevant in the face of the new context,” referring to issues such as oversupply-low demand, IMO2020, among others.

Survival of the fittest

“For shipping lines, the priority is survival, so their motive is to stay alive through this crisis by saving costs. What they can’t survive is demand collapse and unstable freight rates,” says Heany. The Drewry editor highlights that shipping lines are succeeding in their efforts, “but cargo owner shippers are receiving a lower standard of service because of canceled trips, or cargo stopped in transit, or are finding it hard to find the right equipment because the supply chain is out of whack. Everyone is facing similar pressures to stay alive no one knows what their volumes are going to be, but they want to ensure that transportation isn’t impeding the natural flow of cargo trade.”

Without a doubt, all trades in all regions are going to suffer, but our analysis suggests that the regions more connected to advanced economies will suffer the most. All countries are going to be affected. It’ll follow the path of the virus.

The silver linings

In every grim situation, there’s always a silver lining. In this case, the fall of fuel prices is helping keep things interesting. Before the coronavirus changed everything, “IMO2020 was obviously a big risk. Liners were not sure about the sufficient capacity for the fuel and what it would do to the price but the price of low sulfur fuel has come down so dramatically that it’s no longer an issue as it has been overtaken by other priorities,” says the Container Forecaster Editor.  

Another good news is that “freight rates have help remarkably well, staying in the same trend they do every year. Up 10% y-o-y. This is in part due to the blank sailings programs, and of course because of the fall in fuel prices,” highlights Heany, who goes on to mark that “rates will start to come down as fuel prices come down, due to a lower bunker surcharge. Imminently within the next few weeks, but a lot depends on how carriers respond.”

The low price of fuel has also helped liners in their fuel recovery. Under regular prices, shipping lines recover roughly 15% of their fuel cost, and now they’re recovering more. “The fact that oil prices have shrunk dramatically is a good point. It’ll change the economics of shipowners opting for scrubbers, it’ll put the brakes on scrubbers in retrofit,” says the Drewry exec.

2021 and beyond

There should be a healthy rebound next year. Drewry did a forecast in March and is releasing an update where they predict -8% this year of global port throughput and 13% global port handling in 2021.

Also, diversifying from China as the world export factory will play a crucial role in the industry’s reorganization for next year. “Trade is a 2-way street, so if your buyers aren’t buying there’s no point in making. If partners in US and Europe aren’t buying it will affect China’s container trade. We expect to see reduced port handling in greater China this year even though it has emerged from lockdown much sooner. I don’t think it’s ‘immune’. And there is, of course, the risk that following this there’s going to be some sort of backlash against China and shippers are looking to diversify China as their source. That’s a rising trend that’s in play already, but that a positive for container shipping because China had gotten to the point where it didn’t need the input of commodities, but if you diversify to other markets that also gives more container movement in other regions.”

By MundoMaritimo

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