Sunday, February 23, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
logo mundo marítimo
August 01, 2022 Rhenus Logistics expands their services to the Americas from Miami Global logistics provider developing a broad positioning strategy in the region

With more than one hundred years of experience and with over 970 branches around the world, Rhenus Logistics is expanding through the Americas thanks to a fast and custom-made response to their clients. Born amid German family Rethmann, the company is best known for their agile business practices that have led them to employ over 37,000 team members across group level and some 5,000 in the Air&Ocean division alone.  

There is a clear goal in Rhenus which is to be a global logistics provider, and to belong to the top-ranking positions we must be an active player in the Americas,” says Jörn Schmersahl, CEO Rhenus Air & Ocean Americas, who detailed the company’s expansion process in the region exclusively to MundoMarítimo.

With a population of more than 650 million, Latin America is an interesting market for Rhenus, even in the current complex economic scenario. “I lived for nine years in South America, and I know very well the different countries and, obviously, we had to look for core centers: Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Colombia and we have recently opened Mexico a year and a half ago,” says the executive.

All this progression within the continent has a strategic goal: in 2019 I made the decision that we would build our platform for the region in Miami, which is still the gateway to Latin America,” says Schmersahl, who points out that in the city in southern-most Florida there is a warehouse center of 15,000-16,000 square meters, some of them under the Free Trade Zone (FTZ).

In addition to this starting point and in line with the Growth Vision 2025 program, the strategy for the region contemplates the acquisition of local logistics providers. If we find an attractive company as a candidate we will seriously analyze and consider the acquisition for the group.” At the same time, the expansion also has an organic sense: “we are introducing other products and personnel and training people on them,” points Schmersahl while highlighting that “everything we do is based on the responsibility and trust that we provide for our people, without them this would not work.”

As for the implementation of a diverse range of services, he indicates that “we have presented a series of new products. We are centering on ‘focus lines,’ such as the trade route between Frankfurt and Sao Paulo, we see where we can grow, how we can do so and with which clients; then we put all our efforts in strengthening that specific line. The same happens, for example, in the Miami-Santiago route.”

A successful example of this strategy is the “Sea Air” service that connects the Americas with Asia. “When there was scarce capacity in both sea and air, we saw what our options were, and we looked for a maritime connection to Los Angeles, transfer in Miami and we were able to make air dispatch to South America,” he says.

The executive also highlights the offer for LCL cargo, which allows sending consolidated cargo by Rhenus from a point in Europe, such as Germany to, say, Valparaiso, gives clients an alternative to a full container.

Schmersahl highlights as well that Rhenus has other services such as the one destined for the High-Tech industry: “from Miami we consolidate shipments to Latin America, creating a vertical for this industry.” He also indicates that they are working on the life science logistics (pharma) from in the implementation of this line of focus. “That is, we are coordinating certain products with certain verticals, companies, and segments of the industry,” he points.

Expansion with a sustainable focus

A key condition for Rhenus is that their growth be sustainable: for me this is not marketing; each of us has to contribute to sustainability considering what is going on at a global level with the strong impact of climate change,” adds Schmersahl.

A service that integrates this concept is “RHE Green,” aimed at clients that move air cargo, who are suggested to use planes or equipment with fewer emissions. The executive says that the challenge for 2025 is “to be carbon neutral in our LCL service without an additional cost to our clients.

He also highlights their global-scale project “Co Cero,” which allows to observe how in each country and branch, Rhenus can reduce, among others, energy consumption or use of paper. Even “in some countries on the rooftops of our warehouses we not only have solar panels, but also grass as to decrease the impact of solar rays,” he points.

Debut for the Americas

All of Rhenus’ deployment will be observed by the industry’s different actors at the Transport Logistics Americas and Air Cargo Forum event this November in Miami. It is the first time we are attending this fair, which is usually held in Munich or Shanghai. So, for us it is very important, because the event will be where our Americas operation base is.”

We hope to engage in client interaction, but also with providers, carriers, and airlines,” says Schmersahl, who finally reinforces the serious character with which the company has undertaken the challenge of positioning themselves in the Americas: “it is unlikely that we set up shop in one location only to move a couple of years later. In this sense, this fair is very important to make the point that Rhenus is here to stay.

By MundoMarítimo

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