Online purchasing has become the go-to option for the average consumer. The immediacy of deliveries, on the back of a last mile that gets faster by the minute, fuels a consumption trend that has spiked the import growth through the pandemic. Thus, Brazilian operations of German-founded Rhenus Logistics has witnessed this and experienced the effects of an impressive import growth of 262% during 2019 – 2020, on the e-commerce market lane of Asia Pacific- Brazil. “In Brazil, we specialize in high tech import cargo and automotive parts for suppliers and manufacturers, covering ocean freight from Europe and United States. However, we have seen a sharp increase on the Asia Pacific trade route, with higher demand for finished goods and electronics, which intensifies from July onward as retail begins to stock up for Black Friday and Christmas sales,” says Bruna Ventura, Chief Operating Officer, Rhenus Brazil, during an exclusive interview with MundoMaritimo, where she and Managing Director of Rhenus Brazil Paul Schabbel talked about the Brazilian market and its impressive post-pandemic expansion.
From air to sea
Air freight is Rhenus Logistics’ strong suit. In fact, Rhenus Brazil had a growth of 25% in air volume last quarter compared to the rest of the year; however, the current growth trend in 2022 is slowly shifting to ocean and importers have started to bring cargo since July to fulfill their stock. Thus, ocean freight is picking up thanks to the higher volumes and an improvement on supply chain conditions at point of origin and destination.
And it is thanks to Rhenus Logistics extensive network throughout the world that they can make this shift swiftly in any of the markets they apply any configuration that the cargo –and ultimately the client—needs. “Rhenus Logistics offers supply chain solutions, warehousing, and transport (air and sea), with offices in America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Our network and resources allow us to offer a rapid response in logistics needs, and that is precisely what we did during the pandemic, chartering cargo planes out of Asia and into Brazil to satisfy the sudden surge in e-commerce demand,” says Paul Schabbel, Managing Director, Rhenus Brazil, highlighting that the higher sales of the second half of the year, supported by the retail push from online events & social media advertisement, is shifting heavily towards ocean freight as itineraries become more predictable.
“Black Friday runs from end-July into early-November. During this 4-month period we rely heavily on our strong presence in China, especially our Hong Kong hub, which allows us to provide solutions when faced with disruptions caused by lockdowns or shutdowns,” adds Schabbel.
Digital empire
The e-commerce surge in Brazil has taken a whole new dimension in the South, where digital retailers such as Amazon, Mercado Libre and Aliexpress have set up warehouses and distribution centers, adding last mile services and reducing delivery times. “There is a huge market in Brazil, and as a consequence of consumer growth we are seeing an increase of port activity, especially in the South of Brazil where 50% of the market is located due to higher GDP concentration in regions such as Santa Catarina and Espírito Santo,” adds Schabbel, pointing out the 262% growth in e-commerce in 2020 compared to 2019 in the Asia Pacific – Brazil trade. “We are currently seeing a big trend on FCL already increasing 80% of growth, and we expect to end the year with 100% growth in this product. LCL currently has increase to 45% compared to 2021,” says the executive.
Carbon neutral
Rhenus is at the forefront of sustainability, and the Brazil market is no exception. “We are the first freight forwarder to create a carbon neutral air freight; and the Brazil-Germany route is the first carbon-neutral air freight in the market,” adds Schabbel, highlighting that “this is essential for achieving sustainability in the supply chain footprint, and for fulfilling the sustainability requirement of our clients, who are adding carbon neutrality into their own businesses.” Rhenus is also investing in sustainability and carbon neutral solutions for ocean freight, where they are working on certification with neutralization.
Since January 2022, Rhenus commits to 100 percent carbon neutral LCL product by 2030. Cargo shipped with the Rhenus Consolidation Box out of Hilden Gateway will be carbon neutral, with no additional costs to customers. The service will progressively roll out through all gateways in which Rhenus operates worldwide. Rhenus is working with ClimatePartner, an independent consultancy, to verify the calculation methodology and offset the amount of CO2 through verified and audited carbon offset projects.
Export growth
Although the export market is very specialized in Brazil and only accounts for 10% of Rhenus’ operations in the country, the company is growing in the area, expanding into the export of finished goods for the automotive spare parts market. “Customers are becoming more competitive, and our capacity to cross-sell products allows them to add competitiveness to their business,” says the Managing Director for Rhenus Brazil.
Rhenus Logistics will take part in the Air Cargo Forum and Transport Logistic Americas trade show on November 8-10 in Miami, Florida at the Miami Beach Convention Center.
By MundoMaritimo
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