The relevance of Naviera Chilena del Pacífico Nachipa cannot be discussed with its more than 70 years of presence in the market. Three generations have overseen the business, where each one has marked an era for the company. MundoMaritimo talked in exlcusive with Felipe Simian, CEO, about the company’s challenges during the pandemic and how this adverse context turned out to be beneficial to consolidate Nachipa’s presence in different latitudes in the world.
From scrap metal to SQM
When Arturo Fernández Zegers founded Nachipa in 1948 with the purpose to cabotage along the Chilean coastline transporting scrap metal and coal from the Lota mine it was a long way from the business alliance with SQM that would later help the company towards the international playing field. The early agreement with Soquimich allowed Nachipa to grow in offering services that would satisfy the cargo freight needs of the saltpeter and later lithium mine. That way, Nachipa’s ships, which were always their own, would sail up and down the Americas’ coast transporting SQM’s exports and returning with fertilizers from the United States. This niche focus was key in building long-lasting relationships with their clients for many years, which would play a crucial role in the company’s international leap.
A shift in the market
Traditionally, Nachipa would do business directly with the clients, who would hire the company’s vessels to move cargo to their destinations. Some years ago, there was a shift in the market and now there were traders doing business with the shipping companies representing the clients. “This shift in the market meant that now clients were buying their cargo from a variety of suppliers, according to what the trader negotiated on their behalf. This forced us to put the cargo before the ship, boosting an important reorganization thanks to which we now operate a dozen vessels,” explains the company’s leading executive.
This same paradigm change in the market created another important plot-twist for Nachipa’s consolidation in a new business setting: international presence. At the start of 2020, right before the pandemic was declared all over the world, Nachipa opened a new office in Hamburg, Germany, with the purpose to expand their horizons and broaden their reach with eyes open 24 hours a day. “Our presence in Germany responds to the need to be awake and available in hours that our time zone does not allow us to participate in the business being held in other latitudes. Thus, it seems simple, but it involves a strategic thinking to address the needs of a diversified clientele, that is why it is so important to be available in different time zones,” says Simian, who adds that the average age of the fleet is 3 years with minor bulk vessels of 38,000 DWT. “Currently, we operate a combined fleet of own and chartered vessels, serving new and long-standing clients in a global context to and from where the client needs,” adds Simian.
‘Glocal’ expansion
The Hamburg office is only the first step towards a ‘glocal’ consolidation, which considers global presence but with the local feel that has always been part of Nachipa’s personal seal. That same mentality is behind the plans to conquer new horizons, such as the Far East, the next project of executive presence down the line. “We are looking to shed the image of a commodities business as our differential value and rather consolidate our closeness with customers as the most important added value of Nachipa’s service, building long-lasting relationships with clients,” says the executive.
It is that very closeness in doing business that has earned Nachipa recognition among Japanese shipping companies with which they have created strong business ties and has allowed for them to grow in their international area. “There are many players that don’t know us in the trade routes we are now operating in,” says Simian, who adds that Nachipa’s ships are sailing the seas all throughout the world and far away from the coasts where it grew in.
Another important factor in Nachipa’s international expansion is the boost created by the Chinese and the high volumes of iron ore that the Asian giant is importing as part of the country’s industrialization plan. “China has a growth plan that is moving cargo all over the world, and we want to be part of that,” adds Nachipa’s CEO, who also mentions that even though COVID-19 has been difficult on the busines, it has also been the trigger behind bulk shipping’s current good moment. “Last year was hard with COVID-19. This is a very cyclical business, and it is self-regulated by demand and vessel capacity. In the last few years, the industry was very much containerized and the orderbook is the lowest it has ever been in the last 30 years and add that to the Chinese economic boost … (because last year they didn’t buy anything,) and you have a perfect setting for the current good moment for bulk shipping. There’s little capacity and that drives up the freight rates. The market is in a good place right now and we believe it will stay like that for a while, so now is the time to strengthen.”
By MundoMaritimo
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