Thursday, March 13, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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February 26, 2024 "Latin America Soon to be Affected by the Red Sea Crisis" Lars Jensen, a maritime industry specialist, projects rate hikes due to the rerouting of ships around Africa

The Red Sea crisis, a vital route for global trade, has emerged as an unprecedented challenge for the maritime industry. According to Lars Jensen, CEO and Partner of Vespucci Maritime and an expert with more than two decades in the sector, this situation has forced a strategic reevaluation of trade routes and exposed the interconnectedness and vulnerability of global maritime transport. The specialist made this assessment in the latest edition of the Nautical Chart seminar, "Red Sea Crisis: How Geopolitics Affect Shipping," organized by the Commercial Law Department of the Universidad Externado de Colombia.

Impact of Geopolitics on Maritime Transport

The key players, according to Jensen, are the Houthi rebels, operating in Yemen at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, who, following the initiation of military actions by Israel in Gaza, began to press for a ceasefire. "It's political blackmail, basically pressuring Israel to stop, otherwise they attack the ships," he explains.

According to the expert, although the Houthi attacks began in November, they only gained momentum by mid-December. Since then, shipping companies have opted to divert their routes around Africa, a measure that, while increasing costs and transit times, ensures the continuity of maritime trade.

Faced with this situation, he explains: "the decision was made, especially by the U.S. and then the UK, and gradually more and more countries, to send naval ships to the south of the Red Sea to protect the vessels. This initially led both MSC and CMA CGM to navigate through the Suez Canal again because they would be protected by the navy." However, the attacks continued, leading the ships to return to the route around Africa.

Comparison with the Pandemic

The current crisis reflects deep geopolitical tensions and an asymmetric war at sea. Jensen compares this situation to the pandemic, highlighting that, although the challenges are different, both events have required significant adaptations in the industry. While the pandemic affected the capacity and efficiency of global trade, the Red Sea crisis directly challenges the security and logistics of maritime transport.

"It takes longer. From Asia to Europe, the delays are from 7 to 14 additional days, and from Asia to the East Coast of the U.S. up to five days more. More ships are needed and it costs more money, but the bottom line is that we have enough ships. It can be done. It's costly, it takes time, but it's perfectly possible. It couldn't be done in 2021 because back then, we didn't have enough," Jensen compares.

Effect on Latin America

According to Jensen, Latin America will soon be affected by the Red Sea crisis because the global fleet barely has enough ships to cover the route around Africa: "If you have maritime routes where freight rates are low, shipping companies will pull ships from them and move them to routes around Africa, which are much more profitable. This is what I would call 'rate contagion'," he explains.

The expert points out that it is not possible, over time, to maintain this situation where one trade route is extremely profitable and another is not, and therefore shipping companies will change routes. "On any maritime route around the world, including all Latin American ones, this needs to be considered. If you are still enjoying the low and pleasant freight rates you saw before the crisis, enjoy it because it won't last, not if the crisis continues," he states.

Latin America and the Panama Canal

Due to drought and the consequent water scarcity in the Panama Canal, the number of ships that could transit the waterway per day was already being restricted. In November of last year, before the Red Sea crisis, several of the major shipping lines took some of the services that used to go from Asia to the East Coast of the U.S. and redirected them towards the Suez Canal.

As a result of the subsequent Red Sea crisis, now these ships also have to circumnavigate Africa. Because Panama is limiting the number of transits, the only alternative will be to stop some services.

A practical example:

"Let's say I need to send products from Brazil to California. If I do that, I should go through the Panama Canal, but now I'm competing for that space with someone shipping from China to the East Coast of the U.S., and generally, who wins that battle? The importers who are willing to pay more and the fast-moving consumer goods from Asia to the U.S. tend to be those willing to pay the highest."

The result will be that the capacity related to Latin America that has to cross the Canal will be limited, thus increasing freight rates for the region.

Long-Term Planning and Preparedness

Jensen finally emphasizes the importance of long-term planning and preparedness for future uncertainties, suggesting that the industry can learn from both this crisis and the pandemic to strengthen supply chains and improve risk management.

By MundoMarítimo

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