Friday, March 14, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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December 11, 2020 Informed decisions in port operations: the importance of data First webinar Prodevelop & MundoMaritimo

Information is key when it comes to assertive decision-making, and in times of digital tools, it is coming from the virtual world. One of the great surprises of the pandemic was the strong impulse for digitalization, but the burst of digital technologies, automation and data is worthless if it is not put in the right context of the business it serves and if no one knows how to interpret the data that flows from these systems. To reconcile port operations with digital information systems is part of a current that seeks to push the port world into the competitiveness of the future, with ‘smart’ and efficient terminals.

“Technologies are ready… we are the ones who are not. The first one to lose fear and take the step into new applications, will be the one who wins the race,” says the civil engineer Francisco Blanquer, Innovation & Development Senior Manager Terminal Link Malta, who shared the port’s experience using the Posidonia Port Solution system, that uses big data and other digital applications to visualize how a port terminal actually works. Along with Blanquer, Jesus Medina, IT Business Relationship & Innovation Manager at Autoridad Portuaria de la Bahía de Algeciras (APBA), also shared the experience at the port terminal after using the platform designed by Prodevelop, Spanish company specializing in ICT development for the port industry.

Reading the dashboard

We are all familiar with a dashboard interface, like the one inside a car, where through different indicators we can see the vehicle’s performance while in use: speed, RPM, temperature, fuel consumption, etc. However, that information is useless if the user does not understand the data and cannot interpret it. “Understanding a dashboard allows for comprehending reality in 6 seconds, as opposed to observing operations for 6 hours,” says Blanquer, who also highlights that in the use of the Posidonia port solutions platform it is key to truly grasp the information the system compiles, know how to read it and thus make assertive decisions. “Something that we can know from the data is that it is useful for the search of permanent improvement, through the monitoring of the performance of changes, quantification of benefits, prioritization of problems, etc. What’s important here is how each entity decides with that information because, at the end of the day, it is not systems that improve port operations, its people who make those changes possible.”

Defining objectives, identifying teams and systems, having clarity in data of interest, identifying sources, establishing reliable communications systems, preparing a base infrastructure, deploying software base, installing access, connecting with the source of the data, configuring output, will all be part of the ideal formula to get the best out of the information the platform is generating, since this visualization allows knowledge of what is happening in real time and is also reflected in money.

On his part, Jesús Medina from APBA shared how the terminal where he works managed to achieve significant operational improvements thanks to the implementation of Posidonia CDM. “We improved the port call system by applying measures based on the data given by Posidonia: we understood that the most important feature was to have all parties communicating in the same language and wording, we digitized the process data so that everyone was informed in real time and with that we were able to implement a collaborative decision-making process at the port,” details the APBA executive, who adds that “the use of the Posidonia Port CDM system considers a concept of collaborative decision-making within the port, which translates into having all players involved being informed, looking the same data, knowing how to read it, understanding what it is about and so they can make a decision in benefit of the operation. The alliance with the port community of the Bay of Algeciras points to a vision of optimization of operational processes related to the calls of containerships and that is something we can achieve thanks to the use of Posidonia Port CDM”.

Latin American public

The experts shared their experiences with Prodevelop’s Posidonia Port CDM during the “Operations optimization in ports & terminals: a practical approach” webinar, organized by the Spanish company along with MundoMaritimo, through which Prodevelop was looking to approach the Latin American community. Helmut Bellingrodt, International Business Development Director ProDevelop and organizer of the event was accompanied by  Miguel Ángel Llorente Carmona, Innovation & Terminals Digital Transformation Head Prodevelop S.L.; and Ángel Martínez Cavero, Project Manager Prodevelop S.L..  

By MundoMaritimo

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