Legal requirements: A firm has to consider a number of legal requirements when entering into contracts. Depending on the market under which it develops its commercial activity, the firm will have to comply with national laws, contractual obligations, mandatory conventions, non legislative and statutory antiterrorist measures etc.
International commerce: A firm, when dealing in the international market, among other different legal and contractual requirements, needs to consider the new post September 11th antiterrorist measures. These, if they are under international conventions, provide some degree of uniformity across the globe. The problem is that other type of measures may have little or no degree of uniformity and there is not certainty as to the number of these.
APEC: The “Santiago Declaration” given at the end of the 12th APEC’s leaders meeting in Chile this present year, stated that under the “Santiago Initiative for Expanded Trade in APEC….….…we will continue our work……… harmonizing standards.” Also, under the heading “Enhancing Human Security-Underpinning Economic Growth” it is stated that APEC “welcomed…Steps to advance compliance with the International Maritime Organization’s new Ship and Port Security Standards through cooperative efforts.” A number of countries have incorporated this into their national legislation through statute.
APEC Region: In a document titled “Model Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit, Zimmer Auditorium, University of Cincinnati” page No5, Issue 3, it is stated under the heading “Promoting the Secure Trade in the APEC Region (STAR) Initiative…APEC members will discuss approaches to increased security. These can include but are not limited to the Container Security Initiative (CSI)…The CSI partners US Customs with other ports to have pre-screening and risk analysis of cargo containers based on advance information”.
European Union: On the 15/11/2004 the European Union issued a press release stating “ Customs : EU and US adopt measures to strengthen maritime container security…The measures adopted today in the framework of the EC-US Joint Customs Co-operation Committee include…minimum requirements applicable for all European ports willing to participate in the US Container Security Initiative (CSI)”
CSI: The CSI is a US national measure and not a national law. There are four main core subjects under this initiative. These are: “1. Using intelligence and automated information to identify and target containers that pose a risk for terrorism; 2. pre-screening those containers that pose a risk at the port of departure before they arrive at U.S ports; 3. using detection technology to quickly pre-screen containers that pose a risk; and; 4. using smarter, tamper-evident containers”
USA: The United States has a number of antiterrorist measures such as the 24 Hour rule; Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism; International Port Security Programme; CSI; Smart Box Initiative; Automated Targeting System; Ship Security Alert System and 96-Hour Advance Notice Arrival; among many others. These target different issues and therefore provide varying standards.
Final Comment: APEC has to consider that if it is going to incorporate US antiterrorist measures, the standards which apply should be according to the capacity across the region which might mean a less demanding standard than that required by the US. To use a standard based on US levels may cause to a number of difficulties relating to inability to resource financially and logistically. Will the US agree to this when dealing with the other countries in the group?
It seems that both APEC and the European Community will use CSI as well as other international measures. Also, one has to consider, if other US measures will be widely used by both and whether the same standards will be used.
Chile entered into a Free trade agreement with the European Community. Which standards will Chile have to use? Those under the agreement with the EC, those covered in applicable conventions or APEC’s standards? The same question needs to be asked in respect of other bilateral agreements.
A commercial firm may have to consider that when dealing in international commerce, there may be two levels of antiterrorist measures, those under the US and those under international instruments. When drafting or entering into the commercial contracts, these different standards may prove very difficult to implement or achieve in terms of both compliance and clarity depending on where the business is being done.
APEC, US and the EU should consider working closely together in order to have the same standards which would simplify commercialization and transportation. This already exists in the form of Conventions. Perhaps consideration of an antiterrorist convention may improve security worldwide and assist in the facilitation of trade rather than inadvertently hampering it through the creation of varying standards across the globe.
By Pysdens Solicitors
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