Saturday, October 05, 2024 | ISSN 0719-241X
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"Implementation of Automated Mooring System Has Exceeded Our Expectations"

"Implementation of Automated Mooring System Has Exceeded Our Expectations"

Curtis Doiron, CEO of DP World Chile, highlighted Cavotec's MoorMaster technology and projected improvements in the container business.
Edition of July 02, 2024

The intensity of the waves and the difficulties they cause for loading and unloading operations is a recurring problem at the port of San Antonio. Therefore, the implementation of MoorMaster NxG technology at the DP World terminal was well-received news, as it will prevent the cutting of mooring lines, increase the safety of employees, and improve terminal efficiency. During the inauguration of this system, held on Friday, June 28, Curtis Doiron, CEO of DP World for Chile, spoke to MundoMarítimo about its advantages and the company's challenges in Chile.

"The implementation process has been very promising so far; it has truly exceeded our expectations, and we expect very good results. At the end of the day, anything we can do to improve the level of safety for our clients, our people, the productivity, and the flow of cargo through the terminal is an important investment, which is why we are very proud to have made it," he highlighted.

He added, "In the port of San Antonio, we face inclement weather, especially seasonal, and we believe that with this investment, we will provide security and comfort to our shipping line clients, so when they come to DP World San Antonio, they can count on better productivity, reliability, and greater safety for the crews. We see a great opportunity to expand this investment to other areas of the terminal to help improve capacity and performance and, ultimately, the experience of the customers who use the port."

Regarding the impact of this technology on terminal productivity, he stated, "We absolutely expect an improvement in the container transport business. Anything that can be done to minimize vessel movement and allow for efficient and safer loading and unloading operations will improve productivity. We are already seeing this in the implementation phase. So we believe we have a very good future ahead."

Challenges and Difficult Global Context

Regarding the next steps in the MoorMaster system operation, he indicated that "the priority now is to complete the implementation phase, put the system into service, and then move on to the next objectives we have for investing and making this terminal even more productive."

About the inauguration event, which was enhanced by the presence of the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Juan Carlos Muñoz, Curtis Doiron expressed his "pride" in his team's work, noting, "This has not been an easy project to implement." He also highlighted the "fantastic support from the Maritime Authority, the Port Authority of San Antonio, and, of course, the minister himself. We are very, very pleased with the opportunity to contribute and improve the level of service for customers and look forward to doing the same in the future."

Doiron also referred to the complex global maritime transport scenario and the specific challenges it imposes for DP World Chile: "Due to our geographic location, we tend to be at the end of many trade patterns or vessel itineraries. As a result, we have a unique and ongoing challenge of ensuring we can productively and reliably provide a level of service to both shipping lines and customers using DP World San Antonio for their cargo transit." He added, in this regard, "We need to continue focusing on investing in safety, reliability, and security and in multimodalism, such as increased use of rail cargo mobilization."

Cavotec Technology

MoorMaster consists of hydraulic arms that allow the vessel to be secured using vacuum technology to maintain maximum stability, ensuring a quick and safe connection to the vessel. David Pagels, CEO of Cavotec, the company that developed this system, emphasized its contribution to the safety of the operation and the acceleration it provides to the mooring process, making it more efficient. He told MundoMarítimo, "It is the first in South America, so we are really proud," and highlighted that "it is definitely the system with the most references and use than any other."

Delving into the system's utility, he indicated that "the challenging conditions for San Antonio are the weather, especially during the winter season, as the waves are really extensive. That is a big problem for the vessel, which is forced to leave the port and stop loading or unloading and wait when the weather is bad."

Regarding the system's operation, he explained, "So far, we have already seen a significant improvement in this case. We are very optimistic that it will be a great solution to solve the problem they had here at DP World San Antonio." In this line, he added, "the expectations are that we will be able to significantly reduce the number of times operations need to be stopped or even the need to cancel calls."

Finally, he mentioned that this technology has had very good results in other ports around the world where it has been applied. "We have installations in Oman, in Salalah, where we have seen significant improvements after the system's installation, and we expect the same here."

By MundoMarítimo

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