Saturday, October 05, 2024 | ISSN 0719-241X
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Nearshoring moves from theory to reality and brings torrents of investment to the US-Mexico border

Nearshoring moves from theory to reality and brings torrents of investment to the US-Mexico border

Foreign Direct Investment is projected to reach $31 billion by the end of the year
Edition of June 28, 2024

The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the United States' dependence on China for its global supply chain. This massive disruption caused severe port congestion on the US West Coast and blockages in Chinese ports. Combined with the lack of safety stock with US manufacturers, it led to an explosion in maritime freight rates, summarizes the Transport Intelligence (Ti) report "Logistics Growth Opportunity on the US/Mexico Border."

This crisis, along with the tariffs on Chinese imports imposed during Donald Trump's administration, reignited the idea of "nearshoring," meaning the relocation of production to nearby countries to meet the need for shorter, more reliable supply chains from a geopolitical perspective. It was also suggested that Mexico could benefit if this trend consolidated. Today, according to the report, this idea has moved from theory to reality.

This can be seen at the US-Mexico border, which looks very different today:

  • Mexico is the number one trading partner of the US.
  • Laredo, TX is the number one international gateway to the US.
  • More than $800 million in goods pass through Laredo daily.
  • Foreign direct investment (FDI) has almost doubled since 2000, reaching a total of $36 billion in 2023.

Torrents of Foreign Investment

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Mexico is on the rise, with a 9% increase in the first quarter of 2024, equivalent to $20 billion, compared to the same period in 2023, equivalent to $18.6 billion. This increase is linked to relocations and expansions driven by nearshoring in key border regions such as Monterrey, Juárez, and Tijuana. It is projected that FDI will reach $31 billion by the end of the year (of which 57% has come from the United States), highlighting Mexico's growing attractiveness as a manufacturing hub, with Nuevo León, Jalisco, and Puebla emerging as the top states for these investments.

The increase in FDI flowing into Mexico drives the country's economy and presents opportunities for cross-border trade. Retailers and manufacturers have invested heavily, leading to low vacancy rates and rising rental costs for logistics facilities. According to Prologis, demand has doubled since 2019, and analysts claim that every billion dollars invested in car factories generates between 5 and 10 million square feet of warehouse needs. Additionally, 40% of logistics leasing in Mexico in 2022 was driven by nearshoring activities.

Nuevo León is particularly popular among foreign investors. According to the New York Times, Chinese companies accounted for 30% of the $7 billion invested in the state since the end of 2021, second only to the United States, which totaled 47%.

While the automotive industry has led the way in nearshoring activity, other sectors are also targeting the market:

  • ZC Rubber will build a new plant in Coahuila with a distribution center in North America.
  • Óptimas is developing operations in Monterrey due to its ties with the US automotive sector.
  • Tesla is setting up a factory in Monterrey and has urged its Shanghai plant suppliers to replicate the supply chain model in Mexico.
  • Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Shanghai Bayon Precision Automobile Component Co., Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Zhejiang Yinlun Machinery Co., and Chinaust Group also have plans.
  • Other interested manufacturers include BYD, Chery Automobile Co., and MG from SAIC Motor.
  • Both Lenovo and Engel have also opened plants in Monterrey.

As expected, the report states, that both US and Mexican rail and logistics companies are increasing their investments in transport and storage operations to capitalize on the growing cross-border volumes.

The automotive and industrial sectors are driving the growth of Ryder Mexico, which, to handle the additional volumes, recently opened a second 50,000-square-foot cross-border facility in El Paso, Texas.

  • Echo Global Logistics has opened facilities in Laredo and Monterrey, responding to customer requests to simplify services on both sides of the border.
  • Blue Grace Logistics has established an office dedicated to cross-border freight services and outsourced warehouse operations in Guadalajara.
  • Redwood Logistics announced that it was investing in the automotive, pharmaceutical, food, and beverage sectors and noted that its clients were shortening delivery times and diversifying their supply chains outside of China.
  • Maersk opened a 322,900-square-foot facility in the emerging center of Tijuana, focused on the high-tech, automotive, consumer, and retail sectors, bringing its capacity to 1.6 million square feet in the country.
  • Other major companies that have recently invested in operational capacity include CH Robinson and Arrive Logistics.

The US-Mexico border is expected to continue its incredibly lucrative transformation, driven by nearshoring as the shift from globalization to regionalization persists, propelled by FDI, infrastructure improvements, and the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which has resulted in more efficient and cost-effective supply chains.

By MundoMaritimo

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