Between April 2 and 3, the High-Level Regional Dialogue on Transportation in Latin America took place at the CEPAL headquarters in Santiago, Chile, organized by the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications of Chile and the International Transport Forum (ITF) of the OCDE.
During the event, which was held in Chile for the first time, the ministers of Transport from Latin America and the Caribbean met with representatives of regional transport authorities, development banks, and international organizations to shape a common regional approach to the shared problems of transportation.
Among the notable attendees was the Minister of Transport of Chile, Juan Carlos Muñoz.
"Chile will be at the forefront of the International Transport Forum for a year, which allows us to bring some of the problems that are unique to our region so that they can be timely discussed. This was an opportunity to convene different actors in the region, on one hand, from the governments, but also international agencies that are always collaborating," said the authority.
MundoMaritimo was present at the session, "Port development and logistics. Latin America and the Caribbean in the major production chains." In this session, the viewpoints of national authorities and intergovernmental organizations were highlighted, and discussions were held about the integration of our region into the global production chains and the existing gaps that today hinder port development.
Colombia Looking at Port Modernization
María Constanza García, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Colombia, presented the great advances her country has made in recent years thanks to investments in port infrastructure, which reflects, in her opinion, the successful joint of public and private participation.
Currently, she notes, they have no infrastructure gaps, "we have already passed the expansion stage, now our challenges are in the modernization of the infrastructure, integration into international markets, and intermodality."
Aftereffects of the Pandemic
Miryam Saade, Officer in charge of the Infrastructure Services Unit at CEPAL, recalled all the difficulties caused by the pandemic in maritime transport and supply chains.
She explained that since 2020 the maritime industry has had no rest. In 2020 the pressure on the supply chain was increasing. When it began to decrease, it was hit again by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and when this situation was being controlled, disturbances returned due to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Since 2020, Latin America and the Caribbean region have been the most affected in terms of maritime cargo volume compared to the rest of the regions, she added.
However, according to Saade, the dynamism of trade had been slowing down even before the pandemic, and "the decline in cargo volume during this period is seen by the economic slowdown, the drop in consumer demand, and the shift of production from China to other regions," she pointed out.
According to the specialist, there have also been service interruptions and extensions in transit times. Furthermore, in response to excess capacity, some shipping companies have opted to reduce sailing speeds or cancel itineraries [blank sailings], significantly affecting global supply chains. This phenomenon highlights the complexity of the logistical challenges faced by the sector, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Commitments Made
At the end of the event, seven major commitments were established. About port development and logistics, improvements were agreed upon in the legal and institutional framework, as well as in the implementation of measures and actions aimed at continuing the renewal and strengthening of logistical and port infrastructure. Additionally, the promotion of initiatives aimed at urban planning in locations where ports operate was agreed upon to improve accessibility, the environment, and urban mobility.
"It was a very positive meeting because participants were able to identify opportunities and challenges. We discussed important questions such as road safety and maritime connectivity. I believe that today's and yesterday's meeting established a good foundation on which Chile can play a leading role in the ITF. Chile has a lot to share with neighboring countries in Latin America and also, in the global community, that's why the ITF is important. We provide an interactive platform where people can share and learn from each other," concluded Young Tae KIM, Secretary-General of, International Transport Forum ITF
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