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Workshop: the importance of female talent and leadership in logistics

Workshop: the importance of female talent and leadership in logistics

Maersk and WISTA Chile celebrate International Day for Women in Maritime
Edition of May 22, 2023

Female talent and leadership are of fundamental importance in companies, where it is key not only to attract them, but also to maintain and promote them to increase their presence in the industry over time. As part of the celebration of the second International Day for Women in Maritime, Maersk, and the Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association, WISTA Chile, held a workshop related to this year’s theme, promoted by the International Maritime Organization IMO, "Mobilizing networks for gender equality," focused on attracting female talent in the logistics and shipping industry, highlighting the leadership of women professionals in the region. 

Moderated by María José Fuentes, Maersk Communications Specialist, more than 300 attendees connected via Teams joined the 50+ WISTA members from Chile and a delegation of 16 members from WISTA Peru who, together with Maersk executives, shared about the challenges in terms of gender equality and learned from the examples of more transversal societies - such as the Danish - whose understanding of gender roles does not create conflicts between the professional and personal-family development of individuals. 

Equity and opportunities

Lisette Abarca, Area Head of Human Resources WCSA Maersk, kicked off the session, delving into the benefit of gender diversity in socioeconomic well-being and objective decision-making. "In the workplace, women have a tremendous impact, especially in the higher management ranks, which are key in how to navigate well in uncertainty," said the professional with more than 25 years in the Danish company. The human resources executive also referred to the importance of companies having a structure of corporate maternity policies, to facilitate the return to work of mothers. Catalina Pastenes, Head of Workforce Training & Onboarding, shared her experience of the crossover between her professional development and the arrival of her children, and how the culture, mission, vision, policies, and structure of the company allowed her to reintegrate into her functions after becoming a mother. "To grow at work, we must have a change of attitude and approach: not to underestimate ourselves, leaving aside the punishment of gender bias that limits us to certain tasks or functions; that our partners are partners in family life, sharing; and allowing us more freedom for things to flow, without ceasing to take on challenges at the cost of stagnating our professional career," said the executive, who also pointed out the importance of instilling gender equity in child rearing for the benefit of future generations.  

Free of bias

Letting go of old paradigms and gender biases is the first step towards diversity: "The main objective is to foster a culture of inclusion, where we can be ourselves, feel comfortable to contribute to the organization. It is closely linked to the value of respect, empathy with others. Studies have shown that diverse teams are 35% more likely to outperform competitors, because it aligns with the purpose and is beneficial to the organization," says Axel Huck, Area Head of Customer Experience for WCSA Maersk, who adds that to achieve this it is key to incorporate elements of diversity and inclusion in all recruitment and talent promotion processes.  

Logistics, Cold Chain, decarbonization & innovation

The technical module was composed of Maersk executives, who shared with the members of WISTA Chile and Peru on the latest news and developments of the company on the west coast of South America, highlighting the new warehouses in Chile and Peru and the relevance of the cold chain industry in the region, with Gonzalo Arroyo, Fulfilled by Maersk Area Manager LAM and Benjamin Vicuña, Cold Chain Product Manager WCSA, generating great interest in the public to learn more about the specific services of the company in these areas and the performance of women. Alexis Rodriguez, LAM Regional Head of Energy Transition Execution Maersk, virtually present from Panama, complemented the technical module by incorporating the company's decarbonization strategy and its holistic vision regarding the reduction of emissions, focused on a green and equitable transition, together with conscientious leadership. 

The innovative spirit that Maersk promotes among its employees was the focus of the closing of the technical module, by Moritz Rosenkranz, Head of Strategic PMO & Member of Area Leadership Team Maersk, who stressed the importance of questioning the way of doing and seeing things to bring a change from a different point of view and resulting in an innovative disruption. "Men and women see things differently: women focus more on people, while men focus more on things, on the technical element. Both views are key to having a balanced perception without blind spots," Rosenkranz emphasized.

Greetings and thanks

The day ended with thanks from the presidents of WISTA Peru, Mariela Gutarra, and Alejandra Canales, president of WISTA Chile, who thanked the hosts and speakers. "We leave enriched with knowledge and proud to have an ally like Maersk," said the leader of the Chilean chapter.

The attendees also received virtual greetings from the president of WISTA International, Elpi Petraki, Guadalupe Concepción, president of WISTA Panama, and the president of WISTA Argentina, Dafne Anghelidis. The first day of activities ended with a pleasant cocktail, where the members of WISTA Chile and WISTA Peru were able to strengthen business ties, collaboration, and friendship. 

Industry route

On another note, WISTA Chile, in collaboration with Maersk, culminated the celebration of International Day for Women in Maritime with the "Industry route" on Thursday, May 18, an activity consisting of a visit to DP World Chile and CONTOPSA facilities in San Antonio. The day included the presentation of the Women Drivers program of Puerto San Antonio, and then concluded with a camaraderie luncheon at the Chilean food restaurant El Sauce.

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