Every actor of the supply chain has had to adapt to the pandemic in a way that is both safe for workers and complies with schedules. The Panama Canal has not been the exception, having had important changes to deal with social distancing while keeping operations as fluid as possible through the most important global challenge the supply chain has ever encountered. “In May 2020 we sent all non-transit related workers home and set up a shift system to keep everybody working safely. Since June 2021, about 80% of the Canal’s workforce is fully vaccinated and has returned to work, however there are still some 900 administrative workers doing remote work, which has presented a challenge in terms of mobile resources. Not everybody has a laptop and that made us revisit our policy and become more laptop-oriented, which gives us the flexibility to react faster and to implement a successful hybrid work model. For now, we are hoping to have everybody back at the office in January 2022,” says Deputy Administrator & COO of the Panama Canal, Ilya Espino de Marotta, during an exclusive interview with Mateo Wiegold, Content Producer TOC Events Worldwide, during the TOC Connect #Global 2021 conference.
Change for the best
Embracing change is what makes for a smooth transition into new ways of doing things. After modifying 800 facilities within the Canal for safe socially distant work, flexibilizing the schedules, vaccinating the workforce, and designing a hybrid work model, America’s most important waterway is preparing for the future. “We are doing a lot of things. First, we are training our people on digital transformation, and I think COVID has helped us in accelerating these changes,” adds the Canal’s executive, who detailed the new control center established in the Pacific side of the Canal, which is an interactive dashboard for deployment on both sides of the waterway. “With this system, there is a much better visibility and more efficient deployment of resources. This helps with collaboration, faster reaction and integrate people to see the operation as a whole,” emphasizes Espino de Marotta.
Debut of data
With pandemic adaptation, digital transformation and a wholesome look into operations comes a new perspective for business. An example of change is the fresh-water fee. “For the fresh-water fee, we have a dashboard, and our clients can see the lake level and forecast and know the percentage of the surcharge they’ll have to pay. This allows our customers to know what to expect,” explains the Panama Canal Deputy Administrator.
Another digital application in the Canal is the use of big data. “The more we know about our clients’ needs, the better we can offer them solutions. With big data we want to look not only at the shipping lines, but also at the source and offer taylor-made solutions for them as well,” she adds, highlighting that big data also allows flexibility with reservations in locks by providing visibility on the time slots occupancy and availability. “Things like this allow us to come up with new products, that maybe were not in the radar, or we didn’t have enough information to offer them and to make better decisions,” adds the executive.
Infrastructure investments
But not all advances are related to digitalization. Infrastructure and equipment are also a key part of developing towards the future, and the Canal has big plans to successfully meet the needs of transit projections. “We definitely need more water, so our main project right now is increasing water storage/water quantity for the lakes. We depend on rainfall and there have been changes in the rain fall patterns and that has posed a challenge for storage. We are working on a conceptual design of a bid that will go out in some 24 months.”
On other investments, the Panama Canal is looking at new technologies and developments for renewing the original locks, like the locomotives, modifying the tracks, floating fendering system in the new Panamax locks, they are also looking at purchasing 10 new hybrid tugboats -part of the Canal’s carbon neutral by 2030 policy-, new electric vehicles, solar energy to move away from fossil fuels, and two hydro-generating power plants that provide for the Canal’s facilities, making it a self-sufficient operation.
Carbon neutral
2030 is the year for decarbonizing operations at the Canal and solar power is the chosen renewable energy. “We want to reduce our footprint by 33% by consolidating our facilities spread out in over 80 kms, which will allow us to have less mobilization of people and we want to have green buildings. We want to increase our reforestation efforts as well,” she says, adding that there’s also an incentive initiative for customers to reduce their carbon footprint. “We offer our clients a green connection reward, which basically indicates that the client is helping to reduce CO2 emissions and we also have an environmental premium ranking, which gives qualified clients to get 10% additional points in their customer ranking and that enables them to receive better reservations.”
By MundoMaritimo
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