Wednesday, February 05, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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“It’s the shippers who are driving the freight rates up”

“It’s the shippers who are driving the freight rates up”

Exclusive interview with Alphaliner analyst on container industry current situation
Edition of June 29, 2021

Currently, there are three components making up a black swan-like no other: worldwide container shortage continued to increase in consumer demand for products manufactured in Asia and port congestion. But which came first? Or, more importantly, which is the real culprit behind the never-before-seen super inflated rates? We wanted to get a multiple-angle view on this phenomenon, so we talked with container industry expert analyst Stefan Verberckmoes from Alphaliner, who enlightened us with his insight.

How it started

We all know how it took COVID-19 some 3 months to spread worldwide from Wuhan, China. By mid-February 2020 Europe had succumbed to a hard stop in commercial activity and thus the first half of last year was severely hit by a marked drop in consumer demand. Considering the context, it was a reasonable reaction, and maybe so was the following counterstrike of a surge in demand for consumer goods, of people spending more time at home and investing in home improvement and household items. “The liner shipping sector has always had these kinds of surprises. Nobody had ever seen the Chinese economy booming twenty years ago, and liner shipping was not prepared. In the 2008 financial crisis no one saw that coming. In general, people tend to go back to the previous years and think trends will continue, but liner shipping is always subject to surprises. COVID has had the biggest effect of all, it’s been a tragedy,” says Stefan Verberckmoes, Shipping Analyst & Editor North Europe Alphaliner during an exclusive conversation with MundoMaritimo.

How it’s going

“It’s a drama in 3 acts. The first act was the start of covid, infections spreading to the western world, no exports, low cargo volumes. The second act was positive because cargo demands went up very high and people changed consumer habits buying items for home improvement. There was huge cargo demand which was very surprising on the Transpacific and later the Europe-Asia routes. The third act is the congestion at ports. It started in Los Angeles shortly after the Chinese New Year and then came the Suez blockage and now Yantian, with the added feature of a new wave of COVID-19 reappearing in China,” says the expert analyst, who also highlights the impact all these facts have on ship reliability. “There’s a large number of vessels that have changed their schedules, but there are still many that simply have not addressed these events. Ships are still going and just canceling Yantian. Those who keep the Yantian call have faced waiting times of up to 2 weeks for the berth,” Verberckmoes points out, highlighting that the difference between blanked sailings one year ago was due to no cargo and now it’s because of no ship availability.

The freight rate fight

It would be logical to think that the high freight rates we are seeing now are a result of increased demand + container shortage + congested ports, but the truth is that the players themselves are driving up the prices. “It all depends on the value of the cargo and how badly the owner needs to ship it, and since there’s not enough capacity, high-value cargo owners are willing to pay premium to get a spot. If you have low-value cargo, it’s a problem because you get bid out of space by those who can pay more,” says Verberckmoes.

What to expect?

“The problem is that we have zero visibility on what’s going to happen,” adds the Alphaliner analyst. “Inventories are low so we expect exports from Asia to be strong, albeit it looks like the situation will not improve much. Some liners expect the disruption to continue until Chinese New Year 2022, followed by a possible crisis on overcapacity, much like it was before the pandemic broke out but it all still depends on how the virus continues to spread throughout the world,” points the expert, who also mentions that this time around, the industry is more consolidated than in previous crisis and is better prepared to “manage the capacity” in a way that protects the business from unnecessary harm.

As for vessels, Hapag Lloyd CEO Rolf Habben Jensen said it right on the press webinar in May: “all available ships are sailing,” and that is true for all liners: all available capacity is out there. Yet this ‘all hands-on deck’ situation has brought scrapping activity to standby status. “New ships coming in 23-24 will cause a new wave of scrapping. Orderbook was dominated by very big ships or very small ships, but now the orderbook is increasingly focused on 13,000-15,000 TEU vessels that can be deployed everywhere. Even orders for 7,000 TEU and a very new ship type which has 17 containers across the deck and relatively short, taking up little berth space, a ‘compact’ model ideal for feeders.  It’s good to see that the orderbook is diversifying because carriers are thinking of NEO Panamax ships because they are versatile and more efficient with more possibilities of deployment.

What to expect? In times of uncertainty and improbable disruption, only time can tell. For now, just keep on sailing.

By MundoMaritimo

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