Wednesday, March 12, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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The benefits of living the TOC experience all year long

The benefits of living the TOC experience all year long

Exclusive conversation with executive organization team at TOC Events
Edition of March 29, 2021

Podcasts, blogs, videos, posts, webinars, articles… it is all part of the new format of TOC Events that have migrated from fully physical to the hybrid -and permanent- version of events and conferences. But what defines an event as such? We must not let the ghost of the meet-and-greet, conversations over cocktails and trading business cards during coffee breaks haunt the virtual chatrooms and digital venues where we now e-meet. “At TOC we consider ourselves to be more a content provider rather than just an event’s organizer. We have rolled out many different services to continue delivering our content and engage with our customers throughout the year,” says Paul Holloway, Events Director at TOC Events Worldwide. However, the benefits of virtual events are many and TOC Events has successfully managed to tap into every one of them.

The silver lining

The benefits of the digital world are many: broader reach, no geographical barrier, it is more sustainable, less costs. “There’s no geographical barriers. Take TOC Americas 2020, for instance. The physical event was planned in Lima, Peru, and although the APN played host, the digital format allowed for attendance from all over the world -like companies from Japan or Korea, which would not normally identify with the ‘Americas’ brand-, expanding the international footprint of our traditionally ‘local’ events,” says Holloway.

The wider variety of public attracted to virtual events and the higher access to high-level world-renowned speakers is another advantage of the virtual format, together with the fact that the digital overlay can run for a longer period than the physical experience. “We have learned that there are many other assets that we can offer our community beyond the physical event,” adds the Event Director. And just as the maritime industry is going through digital adaptation due to the pandemic -as Sean Deane, Business Development Manager at TOC Events Worldwide puts it- digital and hybrid events are not a substitution of physical venues, but rather a new way of doing business, a change. Sponsors and commercial participants are also reaping the benefits of the virtual sphere, as the digital data recovered from interactions allows them to obtain all the leads of people interested in their brands. “This gives us so many new and different ways to connect,” reflects Holloway.

Content ‘above the noise’

Before the pandemic, the traditional model for delivering content was to mass-produce it right before the live events, where the content lived and thrived in a finite period. The virtual world provides an environment for content all-year long, albeit competing with the ‘noise’ of webinars galore. “There is ‘webinar fatigue.’ As TOC, we work hard to be heard above the noise of webinars out there and the market needs to know where the quality content is. We must be careful that there’s no fatigue of the market. From the pure TOC side of it, we cannot replicate the face to face and handshake that involves the human element, that will never go away and as COVID starts to recede this can come to the floor again, but the benefits [of digital] outweigh the problems,” says Deane, who identifies time zone difference as the main virtual problem. 

“We have to educate the market. It falls on us to reassure people that the experience is different and almost shouldn’t be compared, but the quality and return on investment is still justified,” reflects Deane. “Constant changes in context have pushed us to be more responsive, adapting on the shifting sands. That is why the narrative for the 2021 TOC events will be following those changes. Of course, this can provide certain challenges, such as speaker recruitment with less time to contact them and get them on board on some issue that has cropped up; reduce our marketing time for registering people. We had to learn to be flexible in our approach and leave behind our reliable schedules for so many years. With these new channels, we can respond quickly to anything that is of value to our clients to consume. We’re in a better place to react to these changes, and this also applies for launching a new product and engaging with the brand,” adds the Events Director. “This new approach is not a ‘recovery’ from COVID, but rather a sustainable and long-term business strategy,” adds the Business Development Manager.

“It’s like we’ve opened pandora’s box which now can’t be closed. Partly because people are going to be more selective with their budgets after the pandemic and because they have been forced to using digital platforms that vastly reduce costs. And we have discussed the merits of reaching out to markets we would not traditionally reach out to in the physical events. Digital allows sponsors and exhibitors to get more value for money on the experience. It will be part of every event for an exceptionally long time. The door is open for the LATAM market to attend all TOC events now, completely accessible. TOC has opened LATAM [and other regions] for global business. Although, it will never replace the physical experience,” concludes Holloway.  

By MundoMaritimo

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