Wednesday, March 12, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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Maersk’s carbon neutral vessel: the challenges ahead

Maersk’s carbon neutral vessel: the challenges ahead

Exclusive interview with Head of Operations for the Americas
Edition of February 22, 2021

“This announcement comes at a time when the technology for building such a vessel already exists and is ahead of schedule of what we initially projected,” says Lars Oestergaard Nielsen, Head of Operations for the Americas Maersk, who talked in exclusive with MundoMaritimo about the Danish giant’s ambitious project to deploy in 2023 a CO2 neutral ship operating on methanol, e-methanol or a similar biofuel.

The company announced that the newbuild would have a hybrid engine that could operate on both VLSFO or biofuel, depending on the availability of fuel in the region where the feeder vessel would be deployed. “We don’t know yet where we will get the fuel and exactly which type of fuel it will be. However, that’s exactly one of the reasons why we want to push this initiative because the technology we initially expected to be available in 2030 is here now and we believe we can be part of accelerating this change by creating demand for marine biofuel. We are challenging the fuel industry -and ourselves- in this journey,” says the America's leading executive.

Myth v/s reality

While there are still several unanswered questions regarding the regional feeder route the 2,000 TEU ship will be deployed in, the type of fuel, and the fuel supplier, one thing is for sure: the project has the green light. “The technology already exists and there are vessels operating, they’re just not container vessels. It is a technology that has been proven to work and is new in terms of potential scale,” says Nielsen, who adds that “currently there’s a limited quantity of biofuel available.”

This leads to the question, will biofuel make operations more expensive? “It could be argued that the price of biofuel is approximately double that of VLSFO. However, it is important to remember that fuel cost is not the only cost we have. So, if there is a higher cost related to fuel, the overall rise would be prorated out, making a minimal impact on the final transport price for the customer,” clarifies the executive.

It is also important to remember that the market drives demand, so if there are more users for biofuel, that will help balance the price and make it more accessible. “As this technology becomes more massively applied, it will drive a lower price in the end. It’s both the manufacturers of fuel and customers that have to increase the demand for this product; that’s what drives the whole system and the industry forward. Also, customers are having requests to decarbonize their supply chain and we want opportunities to offer this to our customers, we want to be part of that change,” adds Nielsen.

The 2050 mark

Maersk also announced that the CO2 neutral ship will be the first of the 2050 goal to go carbon-free for all newbuilds, irrespective of the brand (Hamburg Süd and SeaLand.) “We know that moving the industry forward has a cost and we are happy to be part of that cost. We don’t have a specific figure on the budget for this vessel or the ones ahead, all we know that the investment is not the most expensive part and is part of our 2050 plan to achieve a zero-carbon operation,” says the Maersk executive.

And, what about charter vessels? If the company’s goal is to have a completely sustainable and carbon-free operation, that should include demanding charter vessels to comply with zero-emissions. “We can’t make that demand yet because we don’t know when that will be possible. Eventually, we will have to make that requirement in order for us to have a completely carbon neutral operation.”

The goal is 2050, but since the 2030 carbon-neutral vessel is coming 7 years ahead of schedule, there’s always the possibility that the mid-century finish line could come earlier. “At this point in time, we don’t know enough in order to consider that possibility as realistic. We don’t know if we can change it, but if we can get there sooner, we certainly will.”

The Latam chance

Does Latam have an equal chance in being the region where the carbon-neutral vessel would debut? Maybe. “We have potential suppliers for biofuel in the Americas (Brazil,) Europe, and Asia. However, we don’t have the level of detail necessary to make any assessments at this time, because we not only need sufficient amounts of biofuel, but that the fuel complies with marine use, and that’s something that we simply don’t know where it would come from yet,” says Nielsen, who adds that if Brazil were to be the selected fuel supplier, then the feeder vessel would be deployed on the route off the East Coast South America. “We don’t know if Latin America could be the first place to deploy; it will most likely be Asia or Europe. But the important thing to remember is that this is a global ambition, so eventually, on all trade routes we will have carbon neutral vessels.”

By MundoMaritimo

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