Sunday, December 22, 2024 | ISSN 0719-241X
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Climate change: the time for action

Climate change: the time for action

Fourth session in the MundoMaritimo 18-year anniversary webinar cycle
Edition of October 23, 2020

The IMO had big plans for 2020 with the implementation of the IMO2020 norm on the 0.5% sulphur cap (previously 3.5%), which has led the maritime industry towards experimenting with alternative fuels, scrubbers and other technologies aimed at complying with the measure that seeks to make the industry carbon neutral by 2050. In terms of collective conscience, it wasn’t hard, for almost three decades the ‘save our planet’ discourse has been openly discussed, but the big defining actions are yet to come.

Greenhouse emissions, product of burning fossil fuels, is causing the increase of the planet by 2ºC, which would have catastrophic consequences for the environment: thawing, rise of sea level, droughts, floods and a series of other imbalances in the ecosystem in several areas of the planet. “We are not going to successfully stop the increase of Earth’s temperature in 2ºC simply by reducing emissions. We must make a fundamental change across all sectors,” says Francisco Ulloa, Director West Coast South America Maersk, in the fourth session of the webinar cycle to celebrate MundoMaritimo’s 18 year anniversary “COVID-19 and the maritime industry: mitigation and adaptation to climate change,” which had more than 200 attendees live and over 450 registered, who were able to see visions from norms and regulations, academia and the liner world, haring their points of view from different angles that make up a holistic view of the maritime and logistics industries’ role in the two key components to face climate change: mitigation and adaptation. 


There are two ways to face climate change. The first one is a set of actions to mitigate the process, such as the reduction of emissions (less current emissions and avoid new ones) and improve the absorption of the natural carbon sinks (forests), and the second is adaptation, which refers to how we prepare as a society for the inevitable consequences of the increase of the earth’s crust. “Since 1992, the United Nations have incorporated climate change in an active manner in their international policy agenda. Frist it was the Kyoto Protocol and now we have the Paris Agreement. As a first approach to international policy, the Kyoto Protocol had good intentions, but had some errors that were later corrected in the second initiative which is the Paris Agreement, currently in effect and which has 189 member countries,” detailed Osvaldo Urrutia, International Law Professor and Director of the Maritime Law Center, P. Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile, who spoke of the “International regime of climate change: oceans and liner business in the global architecture.”


All policies on mitigation are global, but those related to adaptation are local. Monserrat Madariaga, Lawyer PUCV, researcher on climate change, LLM Environmental Law University College London and PhD (c), says that “national determined contributions NDC for climate change are initiatives that come from central governments and they should be aligned with the needs of the specific territories that would be affected by the effects of climate change. This is the only way to work on the right actions to adapt to the inevitable changes.”

Concrete actions

Gordon Wilmsmeier, Kühne Professorial Chair in Logistics Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) and Hochschule Bremen, Alemania former member of ECLAC and member of PortEconomics, centered his presentation on a key concept: degrowth. This would include ceasing to transport all those unnecessary things. Currently, the maritime industry emits 940 tons of CO2, equal to 2.5% of the total greenhouse gasses. In his presentation, Wilmsmeier proposes three pillars to sustain concrete actions towards the reduction of emissions from the maritime industry: decarbonize existing energy use as far as possible; plan for degrowth, to reduce energy need as far as possible and to reduce exposure to vulnerable supply chains; and relocalize as far as possible key systems such as energy, food and water in a need to build in redundancy and modularity.

The Maersk executive, Francisco Ulloa, presented the actions that the Danish company is taking in the road towards a sustainable integrated logistics operation. “Maersk’s commitment to sustainability point to ensure responsible, safe and transparent business practices, long with working together to reduce the negative impact and highlight the positive impact in people, society and the environment; engaging with stakeholders in a transparent way and taking action through the business in partnerships to be part of the solution with sustainable global development,” he said.

The sessions, which were moderated by Claudio Barroilhet, Lawyer PUCV - LL.M. Shipping Law Tulane Law School together with Rafael DuránPartner Durán y Cia.,  ended with a round of Q&A where attendees expressed their interest for the existing regulation and the necessary steps to move forward on the way to decarbonization. Claudia MagnaCommercial Director & Partner MundoMaritimo delivered her closing remarks inviting all attendees to the following session of the “COVID-19 and the maritime industry” webinar cycle, to be held on Thursday November 12 which will be about “Ship arrest, risks and accidents in maritime transport.”

By MundoMaritimo

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