Thursday, March 13, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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“Our ability to adapt is what keeps is a float”

“Our ability to adapt is what keeps is a float”

Manzanillo International Terminal and the analysis of the pandemic’s impact
Edition of July 13, 2020

Without a doubt, resilience is the most priced value in times of pandemic. The ability to resist and go on while there’s a virus that threatens to paralyze the supply chain on a world scale is worthy of applause. “The first thing those of us that work in the maritime-port sector is to pat ourselves in the back and congratulate ourselves because we have been able to adapt almost immediately, executing plans on the go and thanks to that very few regions in the world have experienced shortage,” says Juan Carlos Croston, VP Marketing & Corporate Affairs, Manzanillo International Terminal, in an exclusive interview with MundoMaritimo.

The MIT-PAN executive, who is also President of the Caribbean Shipping Association, says that “the first challenge was to deliver a message of peace for our port workers so that they would know that they would be able to do their jobs in safe conditions. What we can do is to mitigate the outbreaks in the workplace, implement education campaigns within our grounds and worry about our collaborators’ mental health, give them tools to do their work and the corresponding follow ups and monitoring activities.” He adds that maritime transport is not a generator of commerce but a facilitator and “we depend on the region’s economic health to subside. As long as there’s no good physical health [related to coronavirus], there won’t be an improvement in economic health,” says Croston along with detailing that currently the crisis is on the low consumer demand in the region, versus the original impact which was derived from the lack of supply coming from Asia in the first months of 2020 when China was still under lockdown.

COVID-19 digital booster

Without a doubt, one of the main ‘side effects’ of the coronavirus in the maritime-port and logistics industry has been the digital disruption with the increasingly growing incorporation of technological solutions that support social distancing and limit human contact. “The important thing in the incorporation of technology is that we all speak the same language. The standardization of terms is key for a common understanding of the platforms we use”, says dice Croston, adding that in this digital wave it is crucial to identify technologies that are sustainable in time beyond the COVID-19 impact.

Creation/destruction of jobs

Another of the effects of the digital disruption and that combined with the impact of coronavirus is the elimination/creation of jobs. For their workers over 60 years, Manzanillo International Terminals has offered early retirement plans, with an acceptance rate of over 90%. “We have had to let go over 1,200 years of work experience in the past months with the early retirement plan,” says Croston. But to take this step of letting go of valuable work experience due to COVID-19 is only a preview of what’s to come in terms of automation. “Let’s use the example of a crane operator that’s been working for 35 years and is suddenly faced with the arrival of an automated remote-operated crane. It will be very costly and would require much time to train that worker as opposed to incorporating someone who already has that kind of technical capacity. Therefore, the job of crane operator changes and with it comes the requirement of a new kind of worker, with different qualifications. It is the search of efficiency that will lead the road to automation,” says the executive.

That is why the private sector must be proactive and deliver a speech towards the community and explain that, while conscious of the changes that will come due to COVID-19 or the advancement of automation, it will create the optimum conditions to make the transition as fluid as possible. “That is what we call the ‘social contract’ between the port and the community in which it is inserted: to communicate the good that we do.”

By MundoMaritimo

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