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Trapped at high sea: carriers and governments confronted by sanitary restrictions to disembark

Trapped at high sea: carriers and governments confronted by sanitary restrictions to disembark

Exclusive interview with Niels Bruus, Head of Marine HR de Maersk Line sheds light on crew turnover crisis
Edition of July 13, 2020

The supply chain is ‘out of whack’ due to the coronavirus pandemic, but this is not the first time cargo flow has been affected by a global crisis so shipping lines, ports and logistics operators have been implementing measures and adapting to the ever-changing conditions every day to overcome this particular crisis. What is atypical are the sanitary restrictions that limit human contact and interaction. This crisis is unprecedented across all industries and workers on the supply chain have felt it hard and direct. Such is the case of seafarers, which are ‘trapped’ in their ships, without possibilities of disembarking and returning to their home countries. Since there’s no ‘one and only’ sanitary protocol overseen by a universal organization, it’s up to local authorities to determine the rules for allowing crew members to come ashore. That’s where the conflict comes alive between government sanitary authorities and corporate executives, where the only casualty is the seafarer with a desire to return home.

Worried about the crews around the world ‘trapped at high sea’, MundoMaritimo talked in exclusive with Niels Bruus, Head of Marine HR Maersk Line, who shared the measures and actions that the Danish carrier is taking in order to repatriate their crew members. “The engagement and commitment to keep the supply chains open from our seafarers has been outstanding, but we cannot expect this to continue. We need to create line of sight for every single seafarer on when they can return to their loved ones, that is the main priority for us,” says the shipping line’s executive.

Sanitized and forgotten

For Bruus the problem is already starting to escape the carrier’s scope of action to safeguard the workers’ wellbeing on board and make sure they have a safe return home. “Our protocols include a detailed sanitation of the vessels, as well as procedures to keep social distancing among our crew members. The decision to keep them onboard now has called for immediate action because there is fatigue after months onboard,” highlights the executive.

The problem is that there are countries with active protocols in course and others without any, and that has been the general tone throughout the pandemic and action protocols at any moment. The situation is so dynamic and changing every day, with very different realities in each region of the world. “Even though the pandemic is under control in Europe, the situation is different in other areas of the world. The situation is developing day by day and we are utilizing any opportunity whenever possible. Soon we expect to have good news to share from Latin America,” says the Danish carrier executive, who also adds that “we have seen more nations and ports opening for crew changes but still more is needed in order to normalize the situation and enable for those with extended contracts to get home to their families and loved ones.”

Essential but rejected

Bruus reveals that one of the main problems in the face of repatriation of crew members has been the rejections from authorities around the world to both basic professional medical assistance to seafarers as well as rejection of repatriation/sign off due to their medical condition – both physical and mental of nature. “We have had cases where a crew member was suffering from anxiety in combination with depression. Our medical adviser recommended for the crew member to receive medical & psychological treatment, however due to local/Covid-19 restrictions, at the port where the vessel was, visit to a shore doctor could not be arranged. Local authorities did not permit disembarkation of the crew member in vessel’s scheduled ports of call. Vessel was eventually diverted to another country where we luckily could disembark the crew member for further treatment,” says the executive.

Support in the storm

There are approximately 400,000 seafarers ‘stuck’ at sea. In June there was turnover of around 100,000, mainly in ports in countries where there are functioning protocols and working airports. The remaining 300,000 workers waiting to return home are still on board their respective vessels. Bruus details that, in the case of Maersk Line, the company has made available to crew members additional resources for their emotional and psychological benefit, such as health professionals for crew members and their families, increase in broadband connectivity, increase budget for food and beverage and increase budget for items of wellbeing.  “In the end, the only thing that really matters is for the seafarers to get home as soon as possible. We are doing everything we can to make this happen.”

“We have failed our seafarers”

From the other side of the street, ports are also very conscious of the importance of crew turnover. “We have failed our seafarers by not making visible the importance of their work to decision makers in local governments,” says Juan Carlos Croston, VP Marketing & Corporate Affairs, Manzanillo International Terminals, in a heartfelt mea culpa of the entire industry and which he shared in an exclusive conversation with MundoMaritimo.

The problem is that, despite we are all facing the same common difficulty, the dialogue is not centered on crew members. “There is no standardization of protocols, neither maritime nor sanitary,” says Croston, who also highlights that it’s the ‘technical part of how to do it’ where systems are failing. “In some parts of the world they have managed to establish certain protocols for crew turnover, like in the case of Singapore that has developed a document and is enforcing it, and some ports in Europe and The Caribbean. The thing is that we haven’t made visible the issue for decision makers,” adds the MIT-PAN executive who is also President of the Caribbean Shipping Association.

By MundoMaritimo

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