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"Ports are critical infrastructure and must continue operating"

"Ports are critical infrastructure and must continue operating"

Exclusive interview with Head of Terminals LAM at APMTerminals
Edition of May 17, 2020

Two months into the pandemic of coronavirus spread throughout Latin America, social distancing and protective gear are the most effective measures to fight off COVID-19 infection. Of course, ports and their personnel are not immune, so they too have to oblige by these rules. “It all comes down to social distancing and wearing masks, using hand sanitizer, disinfecting surfaces and keeping safe from crowded places,” says Leo Huisman, Head of Terminals LAM at APMTerminals, who discussed with MundoMaritimo the reality going on in terminals in the region in the midst of the sanitary emergency.

The port operator quickly took matters into their own hands applying sanitary and health controls in every facility, checking body temperature and limiting human contact, but outside the port gates, all is very different. “First of all, we have made sure that all collaborators within risk (age or preexisting health conditions) are in their homes. If you don’t need to be at the port, then you can work from home,” says Huisman, highlighting that human safety comes first. But, then again, there are others who do have to go into the terminals, and for them the company has taken all necessary measures to ensure their sanitary safety. “Inside the facilities people respect the social distancing rule and equipment is constantly being sanitized,” as the main precautions. 

Operative continuity

“The whole industry has been pulling together in this crisis, to make sure we can continue to operate through any quarantine and curfew. All authorities have realized that port terminals are critical for surviving this crisis and are playing a big role in making sure that the flow of goods is still flowing. Its critical infrastructure,” says the executive. Working together with local health authorities in each of the countries where the Maersk Group port operator has active concessions, and applying sanitary protocols of their own, APMTerminals has continued to function.

“Right now, exports in Latin America are strong because of ‘fruit season’ in Chile, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, despite lower imports. The big impact is in imports,” says the Head of Terminals LAM. Yes, there has been an increase in blank sailings from shipping lines all over the world, but that is a ‘natural’ response to adjusting capacity, but for terminals it’s not as easy. “Shipping lines can reduce capacity, but as terminals we can’t reduce our cost that quickly because our costs are labor costs.”

The COVID-19 ‘hit’

The port of Callao, Peru, is one of the largest terminals operated by APMTerminals in Latin America. Also, Peru is one of the countries in the region with the largest numbers of coronavirus positive patients. “We have had people infected in our terminals, and they have been quarantined. So, this leads to personnel shortage and, consequently, we operate at less than full capacity,” says the executive, who is emphatic about the fact that “this fire does not discriminate. The virus goes into facilities and infects the people and it doesn’t care if it’s a port or any other kind of business.

Another ‘casualty’ in the COVID-19 ‘war’ as been demand. “Everyone wants to adjust the capacity and that is very unpredictable right now. At the beginning it was because of lack from China; now China has opened but Latam is now in quarantine, so now there’s a shortage in demand, and that’s why they’re adjusting capacity.

Pushing digital transformation

In general, the Maersk Group is very avant garde in terms of digitization. All shipping lines are very digital and so is the interchange between them and APMTerminals’ facilities. Paperless documents have become a big help in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, as it is a safe way of exchanging without social contact. But port operators are not in charge of clearing customs, that’s up to local authorities and port community systems, and in many cases, they are lacking in paperless transformation. “We are working with the local authorities to move towards paperless. There are many documents in export/import, and this has pushed port community systems to go more digital. We are finding workarounds but we’re not always in charge of customs clearance and the clients are reacting to the measures they have to take. We have seen some advances in Brazil, but mostly in USA, Europe and Asia. For example, Singapore, who has a state-of-the-art fully digital system, which is extremely efficient. The central authorities have to drive that. This makes trade easier and flow better, but this requires investment, efforts, it really is a lot of hard work. We are progressing with authorities to achieve this.”

Predicting recovery?

Predicting recovery is in everyone’s horizon. We all want to know how long the crisis will last and how deep it will sink, so we can brace ourselves for the impact and find ways to see it through. But it’s easier said than done. “It’s trying to predict human behavior. We can learn from countries that have gone through a first and second wave of infection. There’s no easy way out, there’s a lot of good examples, but it really does come down to individual discipline and making sure the most vulnerable are quarantined. I have faith that, ultimately, we all want to be safe and that people will eventually follow these measures,” adds Huisman.

“It’s a dreadful time for everybody and what this is doing to communities. We do our part to help them and donate food and other items, but this is a crisis and together we have to get through it until there comes a vaccine and this is behind us.”

By MundoMaritimo

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