In the midst of a complex world-wide industry context, marked by the US-China trade war, the uncertainty surrounding the upcoming IMO2020 regulation, and the industry’s own difficulties produced by a notorious slowdown in the global economy, Danish shipping line Maersk shows a favourable performance in excess of the 5 billion US dollars EBITDA projected in early 2019. That’s what Francisco Ulloa, WCSA general manager, highlights in its exclusive interview with MundoMaritimo: “results for the third trimester were announced to be between US 5.4- 5.8 bn EBITDA".
By taking a closer look at the local impact of the US-China trade war, Ulloa states that “the volume reduction was more noticeable in the east-west traffic in the northern hemisphere, but also affected several economies and projected in the case of Chile, container trade has fallen nearly 7% in the first ten months of the year.” All of this is in the frame where the maritime sector has failed to regain its former vitality: “in the last quarter cargo has grown between 1.5% -2% worldwide, compared to previous times when cargo was growing at 5, 6 or even 7%,” adds the executive.
The socio-political crisis in Latin America add to the slow cargo growth: "These varied interruptions affect consumption, and from the maritime volume view point, they also generate a decrease in imports and exports. The countries in our region rely strongly on export/import and we have to always keep that on top of mind, but every once in a while we face political or weather turmoil, which affects this economic activity.”
The upcoming IMO2020 regulation is cause for serious concern amongst shipping lines’ customers who, as is known, will have to absorb the increase in cost of more expensive fuels that are compliant with the normative. In this sense, it is the transparency with which these ‘over pricings’ will be applied that is cause of most concern for expeditors. Ulloa reveals that at Maersk “we support one hundred percent the implementation of the regulation. This means that we are contributing to a better quality of life and health for everyone that lives near ports by diminishing the level of sulphur in fuels (…) We know that this means an increase in cost. It is estimated that the additional bunkering cost for the entire industry would be of US$15 bn (for Maersk alone, the cost of compliance could exceed US$2bn)” adds Ulloa, who also ensures that everything has been talked over with the clients in a very transparent way. He also explains that with the chosen formula, “basically the cost difference will be over a ton of IFO 380, which is the currently used fuel and the 0.5% 'low sulphur' compliant fuel."
The executive emphasizes that these changes have been communicated through repeated messages to their clients and, of course, through the Maersk sales force as well as different industry events in various countries within the region. “This is an extra cost that will be a reality and the best thing is for clients to know about it as soon as possible.”
New efficiency routes
According to Francisco Ulloa, in order to face the new challenging future there are many efficiencies to be achieved in the maritime sector and are not necessarily related to vessel size but more on the tech side. Such is the case of the company’s 2050 carbon neutral policy. “What we are looking for is to learn about the new forms of propulsion for our ships,” he says, highlighting the navigation test of a vessel using bio-fuel between Shanghai and Rotterdam and the use of 600 kw maritime batteries to optimize energy use on-board. “The focus of our innovation is in how we can be more efficient in reducing our CO2 footprint,” Ulloa points out.
TradeLens, the digital platform developed in conjunction with IBM which allows to connect all the actors in the supply chain through an incorruptible blockchain is another one of the company’s head-on strategies. Ulloa says that there are several ports in the region which have added this technology in their operations and making test runs. “This industry is behind in terms of digitization, there’s still much paperwork, which is unimaginable in other sectors,” he says. “We hope that, as this tech ecosystem begins to grow –many of the top shipping lines have come on board with this- we will be able to change the industry towards a 100% digital future.”
By MundoMarítimo
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