Monday, February 24, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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Seacape celebrates second year in Chile and Southern Cone

Seacape celebrates second year in Chile and Southern Cone

Company enjoyed reception with clients
Edition of April 17, 2017

Seacape celebrated its second anniversary in Chile, along with its clients in a social gathering that bagn at noon on Friday March 31, at Casa Arrayán Boutique Hotel, in Santiago. During the occasion, the foreign and Chilean attendees had the chance to share and mingle in a relaxed environment along with those who have made possible the bulk and break bulk company’s arrival and stay in Chile.

The US-based company has 40 years of trajectory in offering maritime logistics solutions on a world scale for a broad range of clients and a variety of areas in the global economy, such as sugar, steel, coal, minerals, fertilizers and seeds, among others, in vessels from Handysize to Panamax.

Niche business

In Chile the company is comprised of professionals that developed their careers in CCNI and after Hamburg Süd’s acquisition decided to reinvent themselves, focusing on a niche business that required attention and extending Seacape’s business to Chile and the Southern Cone proved to be an excellent idea.

That is how Ricardo Vergara, Seacape manager for the Southern Cone, explains it: “we started in April 2015 with a small group of people on the park cargo service (bulk that is not packed in containers), like steel and bulk. Therefore, it became about putting a puzzle together for the client. We started out of Brazil and Chile and later we expanded into Bolivia (through Chilean ports), Peru and Ecuador and now we are reaching Los Angeles in the United States.”

The executive points out that when they offered Seacape the project to install the brand in the Southern Cone, they showed immediate interest, since they were looking for opportunities to expand. Vergara goes on to detail “we offered to participate directly, due to our steel business expertise on the east-west route.”

When Ricardo Vergara explains the relationship that Seacape has managed to establish with its Chilean and Southern Cone clients points out that “it is impressive to see the loyalty from old clients, because we changed companies and the nature of our business and we offered a solution and clients saw the value in that and their support was fantastic.”

The executive also points out that the strategic location in the Southern Cone is Chile “where we have great work to do in operational issues, documents and post-fixture.” However, he says, “we do have a sales team in Brazil which maintains an everyday relationship with clients, we have a very good agency network to cover their needs and, therefore, we receive input every day on what they need and we try to solve it in record time.”

As per the anniversary, Ricardo Vergara said that “this project could not have been developed without the team we currently have in Chile and the US, as well as all the collaborators we have in Brazil. In the end, this is a gear mechanism and I feel part of it and everyone puts in their grain of sand.”

Alfredo Siles, Seacape Chartering Manager in Miami points that Seacape’s performance in Chile has been extraordinary, “we are at the vanguard of all carriers that provide this service from East Coast South America to West Coast South America and Central America. I believe that in these two years we have been able to make a name for ourselves that is synonymous with trust and service.”

Along with manifesting his joy for being in Chile for the first time, Seacape’s CFO, David Pereira, thanked the local Seacape team, highlighting the opportunity to be in direct contact with clients, since working with people is what finally gives the service its purpose.
Seacape clients

Thiago Oliveira, manager at Arcelor Mittal, said that “Seacape is one of the main partners we have for transporting our steel from Brazil to the entire West Coast South America. We have been with them for a long time and they are an important supplier for us. We congratulate them, especially Ricardo, for these two years in Chile and we hope there will be many more to come.”

Waldo Caroca, agencing manager at Agunsa Chile, said “with much pride we can say that since April 2015 to the date, we have taken active part in assisting Seacape ships in ports throughout Chile and Peru and other countries where we have been able to serve. It’s been two years in which we have built together a tight relationship based on trust and fidelity, delivering intelligent and integral solutions in flexible and transparent processes that adapt to Seacape’s requirements”.

We wish to continue working with Seacape, sailing together for years to come, we wish them nothing but success and that they can always count on Agunsa as a major partner throughout the region”, he added.

Last but not least, Rodrigo Espinoza, A&B Commercial manager said that they have been working with Seacape on the import of steel bars for construction. “We have coincided with two shipping from Turkey, and it was a good experience. (…) We would like to congratulate them on their great work and wish them success onward so that we may continue working for many years to come.”

By MundoMarítimo

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