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TOC CSC Americas has arrived at Panama

TOC CSC Americas has arrived at Panama

The container supply chain event's preliminary activities begin Monday November 14
Edition of November 12, 2011

A series of preliminary activities for the TOC Container Supply Chain Americas conference will begin on Monday November 14. Starting from Panama City, attendants will tour of the most important port infrastructure on both sides of the Canal, starting on the Pacific side with a visit to the Panamá Ports Company (PPC) in the Balboa Port and a later visit to the Manzanillo International Terminal (MIT) in Colón, on the Atlantic Ocean side. Return to Panama City will be by train thanks to the Panama Canal Railway.

The conference's main mission is to provide dialogue instances between cargo owners, logistics providers, ports, terminals and see how all the parties involved in the container supply chain can work more efficiently to face the upcoming challenges. That is why during the three day conference the main issues up for discussion will be related to the analysis of the industry's current state, looking into future trends to optimize the container supply chain business in the South American region.

Industry topics and analysis

For the 2011 TOC CSC Americas conference, the goal is that the attendants receive the latest estimates from the industry's main analysts, who will look into the most recent trends and macro economical scenarios about the container business, maritime transport and ports all throughout North America, South America and the Caribbean. 

On the first day, Tuesday November 15, economical and market perspectives for the container business in the Americas, shipping services strategies to enable regional and global routes into the market -transfer and transshipment ports and the next generation of port infrastructure. 

The main topics on the second day of the conference, Wednesday 16, will focus on the container supply chain itself. The first lecture of the day will be on the challenges and opportunities for Latin American ports. After that there will be a debate on the regional port capacity -offer, demand and competition pressures- how the Americas container supply chain has evolved, focused on analyzing how to make the most of the new regional logistics infrastructure developments, like the one undergoing in Panama. The day will end with the relationship between the container carriers and the shippers (cargo owners). During this day there will also be a session on study cases about the container supply chain in the Americas. 

Thursday 17 will be the final conference day and will center the topics on port operations. The first lecture will discuss how to obtain the best yields at the lowest costs. Speakers will analyze the main issues and talk about some of the mitigating measures that are currently being applied.

Energy and environmental efficiency will end the conference, as to present the industry with the latest trends to face the sustainability challenge.

Finally, it is most important not to forget about the Innovation Forum. This is a free initiative that will be available on parallel to the conference in the Exhibition Area. It will consist of a series of debates, workshops and seminars mainly focused on operational and technical topics aimed at ports, from management to port equipment usage, technology and terminal automation and safety and risk prevention in port operations.

Relevant actors

As we have been announcing for quite some time, the main topic of the TOC Container Supply Chain: Americas 2011 version is to "redefine the regional logistics scenario." For this, keynote speaker Alberto Alemán Zubieta, CEO Panama Canal Authority and David T. Matsuda of the US Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration (MARAD), will join leading specialists and high ranked executives from the most relevant companies in the industry.

Some of the top speakers are Michael Kaasner Kristiansen from Maersk Line; Howard Finkel of COSCO Container Lines Americas; Poul Hestbaek from Hamburg Süd; Unai Gallastegui of Kuehne + Nagel; Carlos Velez from APL; and Jordan Schwartz, World Bank economist, among many others.

The importance of the meeting

Contingency and the implications of the topics to be discussed at the conference will give attendants a broad vision of the industry, allowing them to understand the economical, financial and container business perspectives for North, South and Central America. Those who attend the lectures will learn about the shipping services' strategies, analyze case studies about cargo owners, evaluate potential commercial routes and discuss about the latest trends in energy efficiency, among many other special treats speakers and event organizers have specially put together for this occasion.

In only three more days the 2011 version of the TOC CSC Americas conference will begin… if you couldn't attend this year, the organizers cordially invites you to next year's event.

By MundoMaritimo

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