Saturday, February 22, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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First course on protection of port installations under tsunami threat

First course on protection of port installations under tsunami threat

Emphasis on risk assessment and planning to cover vulnerabilities learning method
Edition of June 13, 2011

A never before seen initiative was the first ever “Evaluation of port facility security against tsunami threat” course, held by the Safety and Security training company.
This first version of the seminar gathered port company representatives from Valparaíso, north and south of Chile, as well as other companies in the maritime and port project engineering business.
Claudio Sepúlveda, training facilitator, commented that this initiative was born after the Pacific coast tsunamis of the last 10 years and, in the case of Chile, after the 27F events. Using the UN “N°49 Manual and Guide” from UNESCO-IOC (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission), this training aims to create a seismic culture amongst the population that develop activities in the Chilean sea border, since there are many economic activities that have not considered the risk factor in maritime and port building projects”, said Sepúlveda.

The goal was that the student’s acquire the capacity to “understand the origin of tsunami phenomena, and to master concepts and technical definitions about the subject; along with being able to assess the risks in a port facility in order to design a protection plan for these threats, aiming to minimize their consequences on people, the environment and public and private property”.

The students had two days of intense learning, where they reorganized their previous knowledge according to the new necessity that presented itself. On the third day, the seminar ended with a workshop, consisting in the practical application of the recently acquired contents, through a group activity. The participants had to analyze a hypothetical case in which a large tsunami hit the northern coast of the country, putting people, port facilities, vessels, dangerous substance storage and the environment at risk. Thus, each group assessed the risk applying the UN methodology previously learned, to later present their conclusions and solutions before the class. The results obtained showed the protection and mitigation measures that could be included in studies of current or future building projects, or to be implemented in the protection plans of already existing port facilities.

Reactions among the class

The students expressed great satisfaction regarding the course’s contents. “Almost all the training courses and seminars are from a scientific point of view. In this case, it was the risk point of view and assessment of port facility risk what made this interesting. This gives us an experience that will come in very handy when designing port infrastructure projects, having in mind the risks associated to this type of events”, said Christopher Zambra, GHD project engineer.

For Jorge Sáez, of Puerto Candelaria –of the Freeport MacMoran Inc. group- this “is a totally innovative course, interesting, participatory. There are many occasions in which port projects do not consider all the way the maximum flood line, so, this course opens the eyes to the tsunami issue”. As for Rodolfo Castro, head of security for Puerto Talcahuano, he showed a special interest for the course. “I come from a port affected by 27F. It was VERY necessary to come to this seminar, because the objectives presented will allow me to design and produce protection plans according to the risk assessment techniques acquired”.

Claudio Sepúlveda concluded that the students expressed that the course exceeded their expectations, as it was an inspired initiative that once the word spreads around- he hopes- will be widely requested. 

UN and tsunami safe keeping

Because of the 2004 Sumatra tsunami and the subsequent maritime disasters that have happened in the past 10 years, the UN set itself a long term goal to “create a seismic culture among the world population, especially those that work or live near the coast of the most active oceans in the planet, to avoid reliving a similar situation with such loss of lives and general damage and the repercussion it has on the countries’ economic development”.

For those in the Pacific basin, this issue is of larger importance. That zone is one of the most active areas in the world for causing tsunamis, because all along its perimeter it’s surrounded by the “ring of fire”. Through its respective faults in the submarine terrestrial cortex, it has caused the tsunamis of Chile 2010 and Japan 2011. In the case of the last tsunami in the Japanese coast, Sepúlveda remembers that “the visual recordings show how port facilities and nuclear based electric generators collapsed, causing incalculable economic damage for the country, which will force the heavy industry, located in the coast, to consider the tsunami risk factor in current and future port and maritime building projects”.

Safety & Security Training

Safety and Security, is a rising company dedicated to training and consultancy in maritime and port safety, both locally and internationally. With its funder’s knowledge and experience of over 20 years implementing and carrying out Safety and Port and Maritime Protection through the Dirección General del Territorio Marítimo y de Marina Mercante de Chile (DIRECTEMAR) and Latin America as UN/IMO instructor.

After this first version’s success, Safety & Security Training has already announced the dates for the next course, to be held in Valparaíso between July 6th and 8th.

By MundoMaritimo

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